CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 29th - AICC/CMI-5_Spec_Current GitHub Wiki

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 29th


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (Formerly with ADL)
  • Tom Creighton (ADL)
  • Art Werkenthin (RISC, Inc)
  • Clayton Miller (NextPort)
  • Dennis Hall (Learning Templates)
  • Bernard Bouyt (Airbus)
  • Charles Touron (USARMY CAC)
  • Ben Clark (Rustici Software)
  • Jermone (?)
  • Mitch Bonneth ()


Conformance Testing

The group resumed work on the cmi5 testing requirements document.

Section 10.0 xAPI State Data Model was partially covered.

Clarification On Course Structure Changes

In the course of discussing testing requirements, the group uncovered issues with spec clarity on masteryScore and LaunchParameters. The values for these are set in the course structure. However the course structure can be altered by LMS administrative users after import to suit business needs. Also content vendors can design AU's that may (or may not) implement the use of masteryScore and/or LaunchParameters. This very closely follows the AICC and SCORM model.

The confusion arises in specifying what the LMS is required to support when these values are present (even after being modified).

The group agreed that spec language be proposed to clarify this issue.

xAPI Vocabulary Registry Issues

Members of the group raised concerns about the current state of the ADL hosted xAPI Vocabulary website.

The IRIs for verbs and other xAPI vocabularies used to be URLs to "human-readable" html documents that xAPI practitioners used a reference. This was very helpful for developers so they could look at existing verbs and understand their meaning/purpose before creating new ones.

Now the URLs now resolve to a new website site that is exceeding difficult for humans to read and is often not reachable behind corporate firewalls.

See this website:

The group will follow-up with Jason Haag, Tom Creighton, and Jono Poltrack to get a status update on the registry.

Discussion for next week

  • Develop cmi5 Conformance Testing Requirements

All Previous cmi5 Meeting Minutes

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