CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – December 9th, 2016 - AICC/CMI-5_Spec_Current GitHub Wiki

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – December 9th, 2016


  • Bill McDonald - cmi5 working group leader
  • Bernard Bouyt - Airbus
  • Dennis Hall - Learning Templates
  • Ray Lowery - Pratt & Whitney
  • David Pesce - Exputo
  • Christopher Thompson - Medcom Inc
  • Henry Ryng - InXSOL
  • Giovanni Sorrentino - E-CO e-Learning Studio
  • Marco Montanari - Sapienza University of Rome


The group discussed cmi5 adoption, best practices, and cmi5 promotion with "Why cmi5?" topics.

Best Practices

Christopher Thompson proposed that their should be best practices for cmi5 course structures to avoid the type of confusion created with SCORM and AICC specifications over how to "package and install" a course.

Possible best practices include:

  • A naming convention for the courses structure ZIP file (one that possbily indicates whether it contains media or external references, or both)
  • Always using a ZIP file (even if it only contains just the cmi5.xml file)

cmi5 enabled content authoring tools

The group discussed authoring tool developer plans for cmi5 adoption and recent cmi5 enabled feature sets.

cmi5 promotion

The group discussed topics for the "Why cmi5" page on the cmi5 website. There was some agreement that the topics need to be more focused on end user/consumer audiences (e.g. Training mangers, etc.).

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