use case driven data - AEVI-AppFlow/pos-android-sdk GitHub Wiki
Note - this section is currently being defined together with application development partners.
This page outlines how to pass data via the "additional data" models available throughout the APIs for specific use cases. Applications that want to set or read data for these use cases need to use the same data keys and formats to be compatible.
Advert information can be added/shared throughout a flow at almost any point. The information below is a guide to some of the more common fields expected for adverts in flows. These can be used by flow services to display and/or track adverts within a flow.
Data key | Value type | Format / Example | Used to |
"adName" | String | "BuyStuffPromotions" | Used to indicate the name of the advert project, usually not displayed to customers |
"adRef" | String | UUID | A unique reference for this showing of the advert to this customer can be used for tracking and analysis |
"adCampaign" | String | UUID | A unique reference for the ad campaign this advert is associated with (if any) |
"adTitle" | String | "New Stuff" | Used to provide a friendly title for the advert to customers |
"adImage" | URL | Valid HTTP URL | Provides a URL for an image/video/content etc to be shown for the advert |
"adMessage" | String | "Out now new stuff here" | A message that is to be shown as the content of the advert. Usually an advert will be all text from this field or all content from the adImage field above |
"adURL" | URL | Valid HTTP URL | A URL that can be shown (perhaps as a QR code) to allow a customer to get more information following the transaction |
"adViewCount" | Integer | Number | A number indicating how many times this advert has been viewed |
"adRating" | Integer | Number | A number indicating a rating for this advert is there is one. e.g. 5 stars |
Loyalty applications can share data with other flow services as a number of simple additional data params. Loyalty charges and/or reductions should be added using the appropriate models and methods available during the flow.
Data key | Value type | Format / Example | Used to |
"schemeName" | String | "MyLoyalty" | Used to indicate the name of the loyalty scheme |
"rewardsProcessed" | String | A token or UID of the rewards account | Can be used to uniquely identify the rewards account that was used during this transaction |
"rewardMessage" | String | A free text message | Used to provide a message to the customer, could be a thankyou or explaination of the rewards given/used |
"totalPoints" | String/Integer | (Optional) "1001" | The total number of points (if any) currently allocated to this rewards account |
"totalValue" | String | (Optional) "£10.00" | The current total value of any rewards if a value can be assigned to them |
"earnPoints" | String/Integer | (Optional) "20" | The number of points earned during this transaction |
"earnValue" | String | (Optional) "£2.00" | The monetary value of the number of points earned, if a value can be assigned |
"redeemPoints" | String/Integer | (Optional) "10" | The number of points redeemed during this transaction |
"redeemValue" | String | (Optional) "£1.00" | The monetary value of the number of point redeemed for this transaction, if a value can be assigned |
The following fields can be used in conjunction with a basket and the additional amount charged should be added to the relevant model during the flow. The basket can provide a line item breakdown of the total costs.
Data key | Value type | Format / Example | Used to |
"hireName" | String | "RentACar" | A name associated with the chosen hire company/product |
"hireDescription" | String | Free text | A brief summary of the hire details if required to be shown to the customer |
"hireType" | String | "Car" | the type of hire if required |
"hireRef" | String | UUID | A unique reference number or account id for the product |
"hireTerm" | Integer | 10 | Used to indicate the term the hire period is for |
"hirePeriodType" | String | Date Unit e.g. day, month, year | Indicate the period which together with the term above indicates how long this hire is for e.g. 5 days, 2 months etc |
"hireStartDate" | Long | Date as specified in milliseconds from epoch | The start date/time for the hire |
"hireEndDate" | Long | (optional) Date as specified in milliseconds from epoch | The end date/time for the hire can be calculated from the term and period above if missing. |
The following fields can be used in conjunction with a basket and the additional amount charged should be added to the relevant model during the flow. The basket can provide a line item breakdown of the total costs.
Data key | Value type | Format / Example | Used to |
"insuranceName" | String | "Insuramama" | A name associated with the chosen insurance product |
"insuranceDescription" | String | Free text | A brief summary of the insurance product if required to be shown to the customer |
"insuranceType" | String | "Car" | the type of insurance product if required |
"insuranceRef" | String | UUID | A unique reference number or account id for the product |
"insuranceTerm" | Integer | A positive integer | A positive unit indicating the term of the insurance |
"insurancePeriodType" | String | Date Unit e.g. day, month, year | Indicate the period which together with the term above indicates how long this insurance is valid for e.g. 5 days, 2 months etc |
"insuranceStartDate" | Long | Date as specified in milliseconds from epoch | The start date/time for the insurance |
"insuranceEndDate" | Long | (optional) Date as specified in milliseconds from epoch | The end date/time for the insurance can be calculated from the term and period above if missing. |