basket status update - AEVI-AppFlow/pos-android-sdk GitHub Wiki

Most POS applications deal with a basket to represent the goods or services for a customer. Usually a basket is passed to a payment flow where flow services can read and augment it. There are also scenarios where applications need to react to basket updates in real time e.g. before the payment flow is initiated.

To support this scenario, a basketStatusUpdate flow can be used.

Data keys

See StatusUpdateKeys for defined constants.

Data key Value Description
"basketUpdated" Basket Send the entire basket in the update
"basketItemsAdded" BasketItem[] Send newly added basket items
"basketItemsRemoved" BasketItem[] Send newly removed basket items
"basketItemUpdated" BasketItem Send a single updated basket item

Initialise request

Request basketUpdateRequest = new Request("basketStatusUpdate");

// Example of a single data key - see more examples in data keys section
basketUpdateRequest.addAdditionalData("basketUpdated", myBasket);

Create and parse response

TODO - unclear what the responses would be here?

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️