phab - ACEnglish/truvari GitHub Wiki


Truvari's comparison engine can match variants using a wide range of thresholds. However, some alleles can produce radically different variant representations. We could dramatically lower our thresholds to identify the match, but this would cause variants from unidentical alleles to be falsely matched.

This problem is easiest to conceptualize in the case of 'split' variants: imagine a pipeline calls a single 100bp DEL that can also be represented as two 50bp DELs. To match these variants, we would need to loosen our thresholds to --pick multi --pctsim 0.50 --pctsize 0.50. Plus, these thresholds leave no margin for error. If the variant caller erroneously deleted an extra base to make a 101bp DEL we would have to lower our thresholds even further. These thresholds are already too low because there's plenty of distinct alleles with >= 50% homology.

So how do we deal with inconsistent representations? In an ideal world, we would simply get rid of them by harmonizing the variants. This is the aim of truvari phab

truvari phab is designed to remove variant representation inconsistencies through harmonization. By reconstructing haplotypes from variants, running multiple-sequence alignment of the haplotypes along with the reference, and then recalling variants, we expect to remove discordance between variant representations and simplify the work required to perform variant comparison.


Since truvari phab uses mafft v7.505 via a command-line call, it expects it to be in the environment path. Download mafft and have its executable available in the $PATH mafft

Alternatively, you can use the Truvari Docker container which already has mafft ready for use.

Also, you can use wave front aligner (pyWFA) or partial order alignment (pyabpoa). While wfa is the fastest approach, it will independently align haplotypes and therefore may produce less parsimonous aligments. And while poa is more accurate than wfa and faster than mafft, it is less accurate than mafft.


As an example, we'll use Truvari's test files in repo_utils/test_files/phab* which were created from real data over a tandem repeat at GRCh38 chr1:26399065-26401053 and translated to a small test genome with coordinates chr1:1-1988.

  • phab_base.vcf.gz - an 86 sample squared-off pVCF
  • phab_comp.vcf.gz - a single sample's VCF
  • phab_ref.fa - a subset of the GRCh38 reference

This dataset is interesting because the HG002 sample in phab_base.vcf.gz uses the same sequencing experiment (HPRC) as the sample syndip in phab_comp.vcf.gz, but processed with a different pipeline. And as we will see, the pipeline can make all the difference.

To start, let's use truvari bench to see how similar the variant calls are in this region.

truvari bench --base phab_base.vcf.gz \
	--comp phab_comp.vcf.gz \
	--sizemin 1 --sizefilt 1 \
	--bSample HG002 \
	--cSample syndip \
	--no-ref a \
	--output initial_bench

This will compare all variants greater than 1bp ( -S 1 -s 1 which includes SNPs) from the HG002 sample to the syndip sample. We're also excluding any uncalled or reference homozygous sites with --no-ref a. The report in initial_bench/summary.txt shows:

    "TP-base": 5,
    "TP-comp": 5,
    "FP": 2,
    "FN": 22,
    "precision": 0.7142857142857143,
    "recall": 0.18518518518518517,
    "f1": 0.2941176470588235,

These variants are pretty poorly matched, especially considering the HG002 and syndip samples are using the same sequencing experiment. We can also inspect the initial_bench/fn.vcf.gz and see a lot of these discordant calls are concentrated in a 200bp window. Let's use truvari phab to harmonize the variants in this region.

truvari phab --base phab_base.vcf.gz \
	--comp phab_comp.vcf.gz \
	--bSample HG002 \
	--cSample syndip \
	--reference phab_ref.fa \
	--region chr1:700-900 \
	-o harmonized.vcf.gz

In our harmonized.vcf.gz we can see there are now only 9 variants. Let's run truvari bench again on the output to see how well the variants match after being harmonized.

truvari bench -b harmonized.vcf.gz \
	-c harmonized.vcf.gz \
	-S 1 -s 1 \
	--no-ref a \
	--bSample HG002 \
	--cSample syndip \
	-o harmonized_bench/

Looking at harmonized_bench/summary.txt shows:

    "TP-base": 8,
    "TP-comp": 8,
    "FP": 0,
    "FN": 0,
    "precision": 1.0,
    "recall": 1.0,
    "f1": 1.0,

Now there is no difference between our two sets of variants in this region.

For this variant call-set, truvri phab makes truvari bench overkill since the variants create identical haplotypes. In fact, we can benchmark simply by counting the genotypes.

$ bcftools query -f "[%GT ]\n" phab_result/output.vcf.gz | sort | uniq -c
      1 0/1 1/0
      1 1/0 0/1
      6 1/1 1/1

(We can ignore the phasing differences (0/1 vs. 1/0). These pipelines reported the parental alleles in a different order)


If you read the truvari phab --help , you may have noticed that the --comp VCF is optional. This is by design so that we can also harmonize the variants inside a single VCF. By performing a multiple-sequence alignment across samples, we can better represent variation across a population. To see this in action, let's run phab on all 86 samples in the repo_utils/test_files/phab_base.vcf.gz

truvari phab -b phab_base.vcf.gz \
	-f phab_ref.fa \
	-r chr1:700-900 \
	-o msa_example.vcf.gz

As a simple check, we can count the number of variants before/after phab:

bcftools view -r chr1:700-900 phab_base.vcf.gz | grep -vc "#"
bcftools view -r chr1:700-900 msa_example.vcf.gz | grep -vc "#"

The 160 original variants given to phab became just 60.

Better yet, these fewer variants occur on fewer positions:

bcftools query -r chr1:700-900 -f "%POS\n" phab_base.vcf.gz | sort | uniq | wc -l
bcftools query -r chr1:700-900 -f "%POS\n" msa_example.vcf.gz | sort | uniq | wc -l

This returns that the variants were over 98 positions but now sit at just 16

We can also observe changes in the allele frequency after running phab:

bcftools +fill-tags -r chr1:700-900 phab_base.vcf.gz | bcftools query -f "%AC\n" | sort -n | uniq -c
bcftools +fill-tags -r chr1:700-900 msa_example.vcf.gz | bcftools query -f "%AC\n" | sort -n | uniq -c

The allele-count (AC) shows a 15% reduction in singletons and removal of all variants with an AF > 0.50 which would have suggested the reference holds a minor allele.

  original  phab
    # AC     # AC
   39 1     33 1
   18 2      4 2
    3 3      2 3
    3 4      2 4
    2 5      1 5
    3 69     1 35
    1 89     1 40
    8 109    1 53
    1 132    1 56
    1 150    1 81

(TODO: pull the adotto TR region annotations and run this example through truvari anno trf. I bet we'll get a nice spectrum of copy-diff of the same motif in the phab calls.)


By default, phab will make the haplotypes and use an external call mafft to perform a multiple sequence alignment between them and the reference to harmonize the variants. While this is the most accurate alignment technique, it isn't fast. If you're willing to sacrifice some accuracy for a huge speed increase, you can use --align wfa, which also doesn't require an external tool. Another option is --align poa which performs a partial order alignment which is faster than mafft but less accurate and slower than wfa but more accurate. However, poa appears to be non-deterministic which is not ideal for some benchmarking purposes.


  • Creating and aligning haplotypes is impractical for very long sequences and maybe practically impossible for entire human chromosomes. Therefore, truvari phab is recommended to only be run on sub-regions.
  • By giving the variants new representations, variant counts will likely change.
  • Early testing on phab is on phased variants. While it can run on unphased variants, we can't yet recommend it. If regions contain unphased Hets or overlapping variants, it becomes more difficult to build a consensus sequence. So you can try out unphased variants, but proceed with caution.