MatchIds - ACEnglish/truvari GitHub Wiki

MatchIds are used to tie base/comparison calls together in post-processing for debugging or other exploring. MatchIds have a structure of {chunkid}.{callid}. The chunkid is unique id per-chunk of calls. All calls sharing chunkid were within --chunksize distance and were compared. The callid is unique to a call in a chunk for each VCF. Because bench processes two VCFs (the base and comparison VCFs), the MatchId has two values: the first is the base variant's MatchId and the second the comparison variant's MatchId.

For --pick single, the two MatchIds will be identical in the e.g. tp-base.vcf.gz and tp-comp.vcf.gz. However, for --pick ac|multi, it's possible to have cases such as one base variant matching to multiple comparison variants. That would give us MatchIds like:

# tp-base.vcf

# tp-comp.vcf

This example tells us that the tp-comp variants are both pointing to 4.0 in tp-base. The tp-base variant has a higher match to the tp-comp 4.1 variant.

One easy way to combine matched variants is to use truvari vcf2df to convert a benchmarking result to a pandas DataFrame and leverage pandas' merge operation. First, we convert the truvari bench result.

truvari vcf2df --info --bench-dir bench_result/ data.jl

Next, we combine rows of matched variants:

import joblib
import pandas as pd

# Load the data
data = joblib.load("data.jl")

# Separate out the variants from the base VCF and add new columns of the base/comp ids
base = data[data['state'].isin(['tpbase', 'fn'])].copy()
base['base_id'] = base['MatchId'].apply(lambda x: x[0])
base['comp_id'] = base['MatchId'].apply(lambda x: x[1])

# Separate out the variants from the comparison VCF and add new columns of the base/comp ids
comp = data[data['state'].isin(['tp', 'fp'])].copy()
comp['base_id'] = comp['MatchId'].apply(lambda x: x[0])
comp['comp_id'] = comp['MatchId'].apply(lambda x: x[1])

# Merge the base/comparison variants
combined = pd.merge(base, comp, left_on='base_id', right_on='comp_id', suffixes=('_base', '_comp'))

# How many comp variants matched to multiple base variants?
counts1 = combined['base_id_comp'].value_counts()
print('multi-matched comp count', (counts1 != 1).sum())

# How many base variants matched to multiple comp variants?
counts2 = combined['comp_id_base'].value_counts()
print('multi-matched base count', (counts2 != 1).sum())

The MatchId is also used by truvari collapse. However there are two differences. First, in the main collapse output, the relevant INFO field is named CollapsedId. Second, because collapse only has a single input VCF, it is much easier to merge DataFrames. To merge collapse results kept variants with those that were removed, we again need to convert the VCFs to DataFrames:

truvari vcf2df -i kept.vcf.gz kept.jl
truvari vcf2df -i removed.vcf.gz remov.jl

Then we combine them:

import joblib
import pandas as pd

# Load the kept variants and set the index.
kept = joblib.load("kept.jl").set_index('CollapseId')

# Load the removed variants and set the index.
remov = joblib.load("remov.jl")
remov['CollapseId'] = remov['MatchId'].apply(lambda x: x[0])
remov.set_index('CollapseId', inplace=True)

# Join the two sets of variants
result_df = kept.join(remov, how='right', rsuffix='_removed')