ticket_249_TicketSummary - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

This ticket is to release the first version of the “netcdf satrad monitoring” package which was developed to monitor brightness temperatures and radiances from satellite sensors. The satrad monitoring is a self-contained python based package which is user independent, configurable and usable for both research and operational purpose. It can be used:

• as a general satellite diagnostic tool (e.g. OPS/ODB testing changes, exploring satellite data);
• as an operational/research satellite monitoring.

For monitoring purpose, the package can provide:

1) an automatic email alert to notify severe warnings (e.g. missing observations, broken/noisy channels) which can cause wrong rejection of working channels; \\
2) a detailed summary of stats (mean/std/number) for each satellite and channel (e.g. ascii format); \\
3) for each satellite and channel (configurable): \\
    a) coverage plots of OPS QC observations \\
    b) archive of stats (“nc stats archive”, netcdf format) \\
    c) (from point b above) Time series plots of O-B stats (mean/std/number) for different configurable geographical domains (G, NH, T, SH)