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u-by395 Nesting Suite

Local Usage Notes

Set SITE = 'nci-gadi' in suite conf -> Nesting Suite -> General run options

Driving from ERA5

  1. Create driving ancillaries (e.g. using regional ancillary suite). These should cover an area a bit larger than the largest model domain - add a border of at least 10 grid points on each side. Use the largest model domain's grid spacing to avoid multiple interpolations.

  2. In suite conf -> Nesting Suite -> Driving model setup:

  • dm_name = 'ECMWF forecast fields'
  • fm_ec_mode = 'EC analysis/reanalysis'
  • NCI_ERA5GRIB = true
  • dm_ec_lam_ancil_dir = Path to driving ancillaries
  • dm_ec_ic_lbc_dir = Path to store GRIB files

Files from NCI's ERA5 archive will be converted to GRIB format and stored under dm_ec_ic_lbc_dir when NCI_ERA5GRIB is true. If multiple runs are being performed over the same domain and time period these GRIB files may be reused in subsequent runs by setting NCI_ERA5GRIB to false and dm_ec_ic_lbc_dir to the first run's directory.

If running near the pole or prime meridian, set POLAR to true in nci_era5grib -> env

The driving ancillaries cannot use a rotated pole, and should include the 'extra SST and SMC ancillaries' option

u-bu503 Regional Ancillary Suite

Local Usage Notes

Set SITE = 'nci-gadi' in suite conf -> Nesting Suite -> General run options

For small domains using the login node (setting NCI_QUEUE="background") works fine, try switching this to the "normal" queue if tasks time out