gadi_transition_Nwp - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki


Porting of modules and their applications is being tracked at Gadi Software Stack - /apps and



Prebuilt NWP software packages are being installed on gadi, but please be aware that the directory structure may change in early 2020 based on feedback from suite developers. The suggested directory structure is inspired by the NWP_SHARE layout used at the Bureau:


The semantic version number X.Y.Z will typically be 1.0.0, but the major (X), minor (Y) or patch (Z) numbers can be incremented if necessary. This allows for multiple installations of the same package-release, which may include different local changes (e.g. bug fixes, build options). Details about the build should be recorded in a README file, including the following information:

  • Source repository and revision
  • Commands used to build (e.g. rose stem --task=...)
  • Optional: cylc/rose versions, original location of the build

For example, a prebuild of ops-2019.02.0 could be installed in ~access/NWP_SHARE/ops-2019.02.0/1.0.0/intel1903-ompi402.


Scientific software packages required by NWP components


Version Target machine Details Owner Status
gcom/6.4_ompi.4.0.2 Gadi Needed by UM10.9 which is used in ported PS41 global suite Request for installation sent to [email protected]. \ GCOM backwards compatibility means should be able to use 7.0 with UM10.9
gcom/7.0_ompi.2.1.6 Gadi Martin Dix done
gcom/7.0_ompi.3.1.4 Gadi Martin Dix done
gcom/7.0_ompi.4.0.1 Gadi Martin Dix done
gcom/7.0_ompi.4.0.2 Gadi Martin Dix done


Version Target machine Details Owner Status
rttov/11.3b_ifort1903 Gadi Milton Woods done
rttov/12.3_ifort1903-debug Gadi Milton Woods done


Version Target machine Details Owner Status
odbserver/0.16.2-ops-intel1903-debug Gadi Milton Woods done


Version Target machine Details Owner Status
shumlib/2017.10.1 Gadi Needed to build UM10.9 which is used in ported PS41 global suite Martin Dix done
shumlib/2018.6.1 Gadi Martin Dix done
shumlib/2019.10.1 Gadi Martin Dix done


NWP Components


Version Target machine Details Related ticket Owner Status
ops-2016.11.0 Gadi Needed for GeoCloud assimilation in ACCESS-C3

Decided not to persist with this in the interest of time | | Jin Lee | in progress | | ops-2018.02.2 | Raijin | * Using intel-fc/2019.3.199 and intel-mpi/2019.3.199 build succeeds; submitting jobs to Broadwell nodes; all ops_create* rose-stem tasks fail at run-time

  • Decided to use Intel 2018.3.222 and intel-mpi/2018.3.222, and for this combination build and almost all rose-stem tests succeed | OPS ticket #2260 | Jin Lee | in progress | | ops-2018.02.2 | Gadi | * Using intel-fc/2019.5.281 and intel-mpi/2019.5.281 build succeeds

  • Submitting jobs to Cascade Lake nodes

  • All ops_create* and ops_process* rose-stem tasks succeed but rose_ana tasks fail; job.stats from ops_process* tasks are identical to their counterparts on Raijin

* Some issues | OPS ticket #2273 | Jin Lee | done | | ops-2017.07.0 for older APS3 suites | gadi | |OPS ticket #2265 | Susan | built and stem tests succeeded | | ops-2019.02.0_bom_deploy for APS3 | gadi | | OPS ticket #2265 | Susan | stem tests succeeded and prebuild installed | | Head of trunk | gadi | [ OPS ticket #2265 | Milton | done |


Version Target machine Details Related ticket Owner Status
head of trunk gadi VAR ticket 719
. Built on broadwell, then built with Intel19, then built on gadi #719 Susan Rennie committed
var-2018.02.0 Gadi Needed for ported PS41 global suite Jin Lee done
var-2018.07.0 Gadi Needed for NAS suite #735 Monika Krysta Built successfully. Not tested


Version Target machine Details Related ticket Owner Status
2017.07.0 gadi Jules3.0 built
RPC issue. module command not supported from ksh. #256 Susan Rennie done
surf-2018.02.0 Gadi Needed for ported PS41 global suite

A build available; waiting on Martin to build JULES4.4 to complete the test of the build | SURF ticket #260 | Jin Lee | in progress | | 2019.02.0 | gadi | waiting for Jules4.4 | #256 | Susan Rennie | built, half tested| | head of trunk | gadi | waiting for jules4.4 to finish stem tests | #256 | Susan Rennie | done |


Version Target machine Details Related ticket Owner Status
vn10.6_C3_bom_dev (C3) gadi built with openmp using u-az670 Susan Rennie built, not tested
vn10.9 Gadi Needed for ported PS41 global suite UM ticket #5314

Successfully built and now testing executables for correctness | Jin Lee | in progress | | vn11.1 | gadi | Needed for u-bn849_gadi_branch | #318 as part of the NAS nesting suite u-bl615-gadi_branch | Monika Krysta | built and ran successfully | | vn11.6 | Gadi | Needed for ported BARPA-RCM suite. Built with u-bm002. | Successfully built and to be tested for correctness | Chun-Hsu Su | built, still testing. |


Version Target machine Details Related ticket Owner Status
10.6 gadi /projects/access/umdir/vn10.6/linux/utilities N/A Martin Dix done
11.1 gadi /projects/access/umdir/vn11.1/linux/utilities N/A Martin Dix done


Version Target machine Details Related ticket Owner Status
Jules3.0 gadi Built using an old surf31.2 branch from /g/data/dp9/sjr548/surf/intelmpi_r540_gadi N/A Susan Built and tested with surf-2017.07.0
Jules4.4 gadi On Raijin JULES4.4 is installed in /projects/access/nwpdir/share/APS3/JULES/v4.4; need to update rose-stem tests; also needed by SURF 2018.02.0 which in turn is used by PS41 global suite

JULES executable available: ~access/NWP_SHARE/jules-4.4/1.0.0/intel1903-ompi402/build/bin/jules.exe | JULES ticket #971 | Martin Dix | in progress | | Jules trunk | gadi | | | | Not started |


Version Target machine Details Related ticket Owner Status
18.1.1 Raijin Build using libraries common to Gadi; test executable on Broadwell nodes VER ticket #467 Vinod Kumar completed
18.1.1 Gadi Build using same libraries used on Raijin; test the executable using RES VER ticket #467 Vinod Kumar in review
18.3 Gadi Build using the same libraries used for 18.1.1, test the executable using RES VER ticket #471 Vinod Kumar completed



Global NWP suites

Suite ID Target machine Details Related ticket Owner Status
u-al457 Gadi This is equivalent to PS39 global suite Jin Lee assigned
u-bp659 Gadi This is equivalent to PS41 global standard suite: the parent suite that was for Raijin is u-bp612 (which was derived from u-ay357; this in turn is derived from UKMO PS41 global suite, u-aw771)

Further details | | Jin Lee | assigned |

Global Evaluation Suite (GES)

Suite ID Target machine Details Owner Status
u-al685/r101300_nciport_fix Gadi The suite branch, "r101300_nciport_fix" should be used Jin Lee assigned


Version Target machine Details Owner Status
u-bp794 Gadi This is Gadi-ported equivalent of u-aq055 whose parent is u-al072; control in GeoCloud assimilation; only ported ukv_ops_process_background_geocloud task; instead of ops-2016.11.0 using ops-2017.07.0 Jin Lee done
u-bp825 Gadi This is Gadi-ported equivalent of u-aw499; for testing locally made HIMRAD Bufr files in GeoCloud assimilation; see details under u-bp794 Jin Lee done
u-ba539 gadi C3 in R2, using 2017 versions of components Susan awaiting components

Regional Evaluation Suite (RES)

Suite ID Target machine Details Owner Status
u-at789 Gadi branch: @[141818]; testing: job outputs; job logs Vinod Kumar completed

NAS suite

Suite ID Target machine Details Ticket Owner Status
u-bn849_gadi_branch Gadi roses-u #322 Monika Krysta stuck on lack of ops-2019.02.0 build

Nesting Suite

Suite ID Target machine Details Ticket Owner Status
u-ap458 Gadi RA1 setting, UM10.6 Hongyan Zhu done
u-bl615 Gadi RA2M setting, UM11.1 To come Monika Krysta in progress
u-bi769 Gadi All configs, UM11.4 Zhihong Li done

C3 Downscaler

Suite ID Target machine Details Ticket Owner Status
u-as385 gadi Builds own UM 10.6 with openmpi N/A Susan g2nc2 fails in archiving
u-bl807_cvt_raining_set gadi will be directly ported to gadi roses-u #308 Monika Krysta to do

BARPA suites

Suite ID Target machine Details Ticket Owner Status
u-bm002 Gadi BARPA-RCM/12 km suite with GA7.1 setting Chun-Hsu Su in progress
u-bl324 Gadi Creates frames from ERA-Interim and CMIP5 GCMs Chun-Hsu Su done
u-bk244 Gadi Creates ancillaries for u-bm002 Chun-Hsu Su done
u-bp493 Gadi BARPA-CPM suite with RA1 setting Greg Roff, Chun-Hsu Su in progress

CVT suite

Suite ID Target machine Details Ticket Owner Status
u-at958 Gadi needs var build to do Monika Krysta to do

LAM hybrid suite

Suite ID Target machine Details Ticket Owner Status
nci_3dvar_hybrid_lam_aw264_sy Gadi needs component upgrades in the first place to do Monika Krysta to do