access_um - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

<h1 style="text-align: center; color: blue"> UM Documentation Wiki Page </h1>
<h4 style="text-align: right; color: blue"> 

Local UM Code Repository Browser (versions < UM vn10.0)


  • [mrd 2013-11-20] Generating ancillaries on raijin CAP_raijin
  • [mrd 2013-05-08] Climate model automatic resubmission and restarting after errors UMResubmission
  • [mjn 18/07/2012] UM8.2 PS30 global jobs PS30GlobalPrelim
  • [saw 22/02/2012] Layout of standard AMIP runs StandardAMIP
  • [mrd 21/02/2012] ACCESSRepository
  • [saw 21/02/2012] 8.1Structure
  • [mrd 16/12/2011] Documentation of some utilities for working with UM output files UMFiles
  • [mrd 10/05/2011] Efficient calculation of climate means when using the Gregorian calendar GregorianClimateMeans
  • [mrd 20/04/2011] Description of the generation of the ACCESS land-sea mask and associated ancillary files LandMask
  • [mrd 07/04/2011] Problems with the standard GLOBE30 orography over Australia HighResolutionAustralianOrography
  • [mrd 2009-03-06] GeneratingAMIPSSTs How to generate AMIP SST ancillary files
  • [mrd 2008-03-06] RegionalClimateModelBoundaryConditions: Using makebc to generate boundary conditions for the regional climate model
  • [mrd 2007-09-20] AncillaryFileGeneration
  • Description of the UM PP file format and notes on how to work with it.
  • -- Link to Trac tickets for um svn repository
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