access_re_access_x_vn7.8_1.5km - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

APS1 ACCESS-X Experiment: CAWCR Research UM vn7.8 1.5km Variable Domain Model

Wenming LU [email protected], Michael NAUGHTON [email protected]

ACCESS Domain-on-demand model, short as ACCESS-X, is a high-resolution research NWP system in the

Earth Modelling System (ESM) within CAWCR, joint research centre by Australia Bureau of Meteorology

and CSIRO. ACCESS-X is similar to ACCESS-C NWP systems in many aspects with one extra advantage: users

are able to run any specific domains based on users' own research interests. ACCESS-X will be provided

as standard experiments to the Australia research community for doing weather forecasting science

as well as ACCESS-C.

This wiki includes three parts, which covers the background of the ACCESS-X system, how to run the

model on NCI HPC platform and the details of the structure of the system for advanced research works.