access_aps1_access_c_background - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

Operational City Model ACCESS-C: aps1_access_c

The operational ACCESS-C is an operational NWP system with the highest resolution within weather bureau.

ACCESS-C has spatial resolution of 4km and vertical resolution of 70 levels. It runs out to 36 hours

and 4 times daily, 00Z, 06Z, 12Z and 18Z (UTC). ACCESS-C nests within ACCESS-R (Australia Regional model

with 12km spatial resolution) for the initial condition and lateral boundary condition.

Note: The naming convention of operational system is APSVERSION_MODEL. Weather bureau regularly

upgrades the NWP system and names each version aps0, aps1 etc. aps1-access_c is APS1 ACCESS-C NWP system.

ACCESS-C covers 6 domains, BN, SY, VT, AD, PH, DN, which represent main Australian cities, Brisbane,

Sydney, Melbourne-Hobart, Adelaide, Perth and Darwin. These domains are detailed in the following table,

City Domain Lat. Range Lon. Range Grids Res. fcst_hrs
Brisbane BN -31.00S, -22.04S 148.00E, 156.03E 250x224 4km 36
Sydney SY -38.00S, -29.98S 147.00E, 155.03E 224x224 4km 36
VicTas VT -46.00S, -33.04S 139.00E, 150.99E 362x334 4km 36
Adelaide AD -39.50S, -29.53S 131.00E, 141.98E 278x306 4km 36
Perth PH -37.00S, -28.04S 112.00E, 122.98E 250x306 4km 36
Darwin DN -16.00S, -7.97S 128.50E, 139.98E 224x320 4km 36

The topography of six domains is displayed as below for reference: From top to bottom and left to right,

BN, SY, VT, AD, PH and DN

Note: The aspect ratio is not in line with the actual one.

BN.png, 80% SY.png, 80%
VT.png, 80% AD.png, 80%
PH.png, 80% DN.png, 80%
