access_UtilWg20Jan16 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

<h1  style="text-align: center; color: green">APS Utilities Development, Maintenance and Documentation</h1>

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Bureau (ngamai) utilities portal

Minutes for 10th December 2015

People: Peter, Robin, Tomasz, Susan, Milton, Wenming, Xiao, Lawrie, Tan


  • Module: utils to be delivered in separate modules; some small utils will be grouped together in one module;
  • Sample data to be temporarily put on /short/dp9; final destination to be on /g/data/access or /projects/access
  • Assigning the owner of the utils; (http://ngamai04:8011/APS1/wiki/ListOfUtilities has been updated to reflect the decision)
  • Milton to chase the git-annex on versioning Sample data
  • Tan, Xiao and Peter to meet and discuss the specifications & Requirements of Archiving Utils
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