access_Upgrading_RoseCylc_BOM - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

Upgrading Rose and Cylc on Bom Machines

Rose (MET) and Cylc (NIWA) software is periodically updated with bug fixes and new features. This page outlines on how to upgrade Rose and Cylc on the BOM machines ngamai and twister. There are also README files with the below information in ~access/apps/rose and ~access/apps/cylc on both computers.

Notifying Upcoming upgrades

Upgrading Rose

  1. Pull down the latest Rose repository. On Ngamai and on Twister installations should be done under access.admin group.
newgrp access.admin
cd ~access/apps/rose/git
module load git
git pull
  1. Check what tags are available
git tag
  1. Clone the local repository for the new version (e.g. if the latest tag is '2014-02') and checkout that version.
cd ..
git clone git 2014-02
cd 2014-01
git checkout 2014-02
  1. Create a new module for Rose from copying a previous module.
cd ~access/modules/rose
cp 2013-12 2014-02
  1. Edit the new module's "prefix-date" and "prefix" values


set prefix /projects/access/apps/rose/2014-02

set install-date "04-03-14"

  1. Create a site configuration file from the previous installed version. (Twister only) NEEDS EXPANSION AS PER ACCESSDEV NOTES !
cp ~access/apps/rose/2013-11/etc/rose.conf ~access/apps/rose/2014-02/etc/rose.conf 

The configuration file might need to be edited to include any new features.

  1. **Currently there is problem with certificates on accessdev that stops rosie reading the repositories. Turning off the verification in ~access/apps/rose/VERSION/lib/python/rosie/ is a current workaround (Twister only)


response = requests.get(url, params=kwargs)


response = requests.get(url, params=kwargs, verify=False)
  1. Set the default module to the latest version by editing .version file. (Twister and Ngamai)

Upgrading Cylc

  1. Pull down the latest Cylc repository. On Ngamai installations should be done under "access.admin. On Twister installations should be done under "access.admin" group.
newgrp access.admin
cd ~access/apps/rose/git
module load git
git pull
  1. Check what tags are available
git tag
  1. Clone the local repository for the new version (e.g. if the latest tag is '5.4.10') and checkout that version.
cd ..
git clone git 5.4.10
cd 5.4.10
git checkout 5.4.10
  1. Create a new module for Cylc from copying a previous module.
cd ~access/modules/cylc
cp 5.4.7 5.4.10
  1. Edit the new module's "prefix-date" and "prefix" values


set prefix /projects/access/apps/cylc/5.4.10

set install-date "04-03-14"

  1. Create a site configuration file from the previous installed version. (Twister only)
mkdir ~access/apps/cylc/5.4.10/conf/siterc
cp ~access/apps/cylc/5.4.7/conf/siterc/site.rc ~access/apps/cylc/5.4.10/conf/siterc/site.rc

The configuration file might need to be edited to include any new features.

  1. Set the default module to the latest version by editing .version file. (Twister and Ngamai)

Upgrading webnm-dev

The web server for Twister runs on a separate machine called webnm-dev. This requires a installation of Rose on webnm-dev for running Rose Bush under apache.

Rose is installed as a module under ~access.

To upgrade Rose

  1. Pull down the latest Rose repository. On Ngamai installations should be done under "access.admin. On Twister installations should be done under access.admin group.
sudo -i -u access
cd ~access/apps/rose/git
git pull
  1. Check what tags are available
git tag
  1. Clone the local repository for the new version (e.g. if the latest tag is '2014-02') and checkout that version.
cd ..
git clone git 2014-02
cd 2014-02
git checkout 2014-02
  1. Create rose.conf file
cd etc
cp rose.conf.example rose.conf

edit rose.conf, under section on "rose suite-run", after line [rose-suite-run], add line root-dir=/cw/web/rose-bush/$USER

  1. Create a new module for Rose from copying a previous module.
cd ~access/modules/rose
cp 2013-12 2014-02
  1. Edit the modules "prefix-date" and "prefix" values


set prefix /projects/access/apps/rose/2014-02

set install-date "04-03-14"

  1. Relink the default to point to new version.
rm -f default
ln -s 2014-02 default
  1. Restart the web server.
sudo service httpd reload

Managing users on webnm-dev

These notes need improving !!

Warning: when new user added to webnm-dev to use rose-bush, need to have link added, see below.

Alias /cw/web points to /g/ns/cw/webdev/data-1 on both twister and webnm-dev.

Directory structure is /cw/web/rose-bush -> username -> cycl-run

I have created it for my username, user should have link in home directory created by sysadmins upon account creation ln -s /cw/web/rose-bush/$USER/cylc-run cylc-run

The /cw/web/rose-bush directory must be bmrc group writeable. Important /cw/web is read-only on webnm-dev so all writes need to be made on twister !

To get apache changes made on webnm-dev send email to [email protected] Address for users is