access_UKCA_GeneratingEmissions - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

Generating UKCA Emissions

Documentation from the Met Office on how they generate UKCA emissions datasets is at:

At CSIRO we have also set up a system to generate the emissions datasets using a method as similar as possible to the Met Office.

Currently the scripts used are stored on raijin at /g/data1/p66/pfu599/ancil_tmp/CSIRO_ems. They are also being put under version control at: (this could possibly be changed to

The main script is a Makefile, which is self contained package to generate the UKCA datasets (originally written by Holger Wolff).

The original script was modified to allow the production of 14 month yearly file (each containing the previous December and following January). This was required for the time varying emissions to work.

Because of this, the script has been split up into two parts. The first part creates netcdf files of 12 months, then the second part generates the 14 month ancillary file, requiring 12 month netcdf files from the previous and following months to already be present.

#To generate one year of data (1997): 
make version=v82 rcp=historical year=1996 surfnc # create netcdf file for 1996
make version=v82 rcp=historical year=1997 surfnc # create netcdf file for 1996
make version=v82 rcp=historical year=1998 surfnc # create netcdf file for 1996
make version=v82 rcp=historical year=1997 surf   # create 14 month ancillary for 1997

There are various wrapper scripts, e.g. and (to submit batch jobs generating multiple years).

Handling RCP's

Care has to be taken for years 2000 and 2001, as the historical data ends at 2000 and RCP's start at 2001 (for the accmip datasets we are using). Because we are creating 14 month ancillaries, the year 2000 historical file contains the first month of rcp85 in 2001 and the year 2001 rcp85 file contains the last month of year 2000 historical emissions. This was hacked in by first generating the 12 month netcdf files, then tricking the script by changing the file names. Please be careful with doing this!