access_NewSun_IntelCompiler_11.0.83 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

Intel Compiler version 11.0.83 for ngamai

  • This compiler version is the one used to compile current operational APS1 executables.
  • Availability of this compiler version on ngamai will/may allow creation of executables on ngamai giving bit identical results.
  • Sun/Oracle will not be providing this compiler version.
  • Attempt to execute the compiler by adapting LD_LIBRARY_PATH failed possibly due to existence of an hardcoded reference to a dynamic library.
  • Second option to deal with this issue is to use version compilers and investigate difference in result.
  • Thus far, this approach is promising because diffences found are very small ( Ilia & Xiao ), but further analysis is required before operational acceptance.


  • Cease using -Xhost option for compilation.
  • Do not use version 13 compilers.