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<h1  style="text-align: center; color: green"> CAWCR-BoM ACCESS NWP Ngamai Migration Working Group</h1>

CAWCR-BoM ACCESS-NWP Ngamai Porting Working Group Meeting Notes

Meeting 5: Wednesday 7th August 2013, 9E Meeting Room

Present: Michael Naughton, Chris Tingwell, Robin Bowen, Joan Fernon, Ilia Bermous, Wenming Lu, Zhihong Li, Yi Xiao, Robert Jukic, Joerg Henrichs

Apologies: Asri Sulaiman, Jim Fraser, Ivor Blockley


  • Welcome Robert Jukic, Ngamai Porting Project Manager
  • Timeline spreadsheet of major ACCESS-NWP suite porting steps Aug-Nov
  • Main items in task list
  • Other items from Task List
  • Other business
    • NMOC 31-Jul Tech Talk on Ngamai Porting

Timeline spreadsheet of major ACCESS-NWP suite porting steps Aug-Nov

  • Spreadsheet ppt file attached below.
  • Single page identifying month-by-month major steps for CAWCR and NMOC.
  • Timeline was discussed.
  • Timings represent best estimate of when work will happen on these steps, realising that delays may occur if problems are encountered in these steps.
  • More detail on these steps and resource reporting will be developed further.
    • ACTION: Robin will draw up draft, discuss with individuals responsible for each of the work items.

Item 6: v11 software

  • Robin reported info from Tim Pugh.
  • No further steps done on this.
  • Justin Freeman tasked to work on this, but he's currently on leave for 2 weeks.
  • Importance of this as a fall-back if there are problems with v12 execs was again emphasised.

Item 26: APS1 NWP suites

  • Xiao has created ngamai AG1 test NWP suite, based on NMOC operational AG1 suite components, using newly-created v12 executables.
  • Suite has run successfully through 2 cycles, starting from 21-Jul.
  • Joan is making some updates to directories, files, scripting of AG1 suite; Xiao will update to this version.
  • Xiao is planning to start 1-month trial, using suitable recent period, e.g. start from 1-Jul; will check with Joan to get period with matching station-list files for this. Will start running in next couple of days.
  • Cycle results so far have been examined
    • OPS Stats are similar, but don't have good difference measure to quantify differences.
    • VAR residuals after first VAR cycle are similar, but differences look a bit larger than expected.
    • Need to look at developing ways to estimate OPS differences.
      • ACTION: Chris, Xiao, Zhihong to look at OPS component assessment.

Item 17: Building executables

  • Building executables is broken down into 3 steps (see details)

    • source
    • software stack
    • documented build
  • v11 sources for most of the required execs have been successfully re-created on solar, checked against existing execs.

  • v12 execs for ngamai testing have been built for most of the required execs

  • Documented builds are being worked through:

    • running completely from umui is difficult because the umui settings are hard-wired for particular v11 versions of compilers, mpi libraries, gcom libraries; need to identify best way to do the standard v12 builds.
    • umui will also be needed on ngamai for ngamai building.
  • Ilia has reported variations of around 10% in run times with openmpi 1.6.5, up to 30% with 1.6.3.

    • Joerg is not seeing variations of this magnitude in his machine acceptance test benchmark runs (N512 vn6.4), which have to be within 5%.
      • ACTION: Joerg to look into variation in Ilia's job timings.
  • VAR/OPS use build scripts, building does not use varui, opsui; documented builds will be done in terms of these scripts. Same will be true of some of the other non-UM components.

  • VAR uses source from other svn libraries as well as VAR library; this is additional aspect to be managed in this case.

  • AG1 UM executable

    • Ngamai version including Zhian's physics mods has been built, using extracted source from Xiao, build step from Ilia.

Other items from Task List

  • Item 3: Robin reported that /apps work has progressed further this week.

Other business

  • NMOC 31-Jul Tech Talk on Ngamai Porting
    • Robin sent email on Monday on this; link is NMOCTechTalks (internal Bureau only).
    • For future talks, can NMOC please include ACCESS Ngamai Porting Working Group in the circulation list.

Update: Ilia's email comments on meeting notes

Ilia's email comments# Attachments

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