access_NewSun_004 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

NOTES - updated after 4th porting Meeting, Wed 11am, 31st July 9E Meeting room.

** * * * Changes/Updates to previous notes are in bold. * * * **

Present: Joerg, ilia, Wen Ming, Zhihong, Xiao, ciwt, azs, rab,

Configuration Management of systems/suites that go into operation

Discussion on this subject moved to APS_ConfigurationManagement.

Issues and Task List table

This table contains the main current items relevant to the working group. Issues no longer active are moved to inactive list at the bottom. Previous meeting notes are also available in links at the bottom of the page.

2 30 Days Ngamai Acceptance test No issues. rab
3 Setup and rebuild of /apps Ongoing work ** sms and python almost done. perl which is required for fcm2.3 to be done. fcm1.5 works with std perl.** /apps group, rab
ACTION Monitor Status.
--3a Logins for BoM users No issues rab
6 Intel compiler 11.0.83 Details moved to NewSun_IntelCompiler_11.0.83 re-download & rebuild of v11 will be attempted by Tim Pugh and Justin Freeman. If newly built, it will be compatible with openMPI and there will be no need for MPI/Sun. - No report on this this week. ilia,rab, group
Question: Will executable built with identical compiler options that is non-machine specific), identical compiler version, openMPI library give bit identical result when copied between rainin-ngamai-solar
ACTION Continue investigations
7 Source Code for UM No action required. Original repository already in access-svn azs
8 Source Code for VAR See 10 azs
9 Source Code for OPS See 10 azs
10 Source Code for SURF In general, migrate all SVN repository from solar early October 2013. Use accessdev if it is ready. Otherwise migrate to ngamai first (Which disallow access from nci). Ask for increase in diskspace for access-svn. azs
ACTION (8-10) Prepare for migration. Monitor reliability of access-svn server.
11 ~access directory Goal of having interoperability with raijin is not straightforward, particularly with executable and libraries. Need to handle case by case. $HOST or $MACH subdirectory required in some instances. access.admin
See tildeAccess. For those not using browser, url is
ACTION Address case by case as ~access is being setup.
12 GCOM Libraries Updated path/name: example: ~access/apps/gcom/GCOM3.5/ngamai/bld_12.1.8.273_1.6.5_new_optns-03. access.admin, azs,ilia,Martin,Scott Wales, mjn, xiao
ACTION: ** Information on building gcom to be documented on the wiki**
13 Migrate Trac databases Cutover from solar to ngamai 1st weekend of Oct. azs
ACTION Prepare migration plan.
14 UM Small execs Do for vn7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 8.2 and 8.4 ** May be able to use copy from raijin** Martin
ACTION No report.
15 Migrate UMUI, VARUI, OPSUI and SCSUI Initially to operate UMUI from solar.Big Font issue encountered on ngamai. umuix which uses ghui3.0 do not have the problem, but it is desired that both ghui2.0 and ghui3.0 to work before migrating. Zhihong, azs, ilia, xiao, Say
ACTION Workaround exist, but the earlier the migration the better
16 CAP program on ngamai vn8.1 now available and set up on Raijin. Sufficient for time being; not urgent to port to ngamai, as we can create ancils on raijin and copy to ngamai. Martin
ACTION No action required.
17 Re-compile/build UM 7.5/7.6 Executables for APS1 - Global, Regional, Access-C ... Documentation of build procedure, UI job id, wiki page of build or similar to UKMO Parallel suite page. Sample of build documention to be created for discussion. EXAMPLE FOR REF, see UKMO ParallelSuites documentation on collab wiki. Ilia, Xiao, azs, Wenming, Martin
--17a ACCESS-G VN7.6 (PS25) AccessGBuild Ilia, Xiao, azs
--17b ACCESS-R/R12 VN7.6 (PS25) Ilia, Xiao, azs
--17c ACCESS-C Wenming & azs trying out build job from vn7.6, PS25 UK4. UKMO qazga, Xiao's xbdec. AccessCBuild Wenming, Ilia, Xiao, azs
--17d ACCESS-TC VN7.6 (PS25) Ilia, Xiao, azs
--17e UKV VN7.6 (PS25) Ilia, Xiao, azs
--17f VAR Compile/build of VAR not done through UI. Recompiled VAR gives different result. -model_precise compile option is important Ilia, Xiao, Joan
--17g OPS Compile/build of OPS not done through UI Ilia, Xiao, Joan
--17h SURF Compile/build of SURF not done through UI Ilia, Xiao
ACTION ** Detailed documentation for each build should be available on wiki.Separate page set up for discussion on APS_ConfigurationManagement**
--17i Martin's Worm Diff plots, ensemble plots etc will be useful for verification Martin
ACTION Get update from Martin in next meeting.
18 MARS scripts and exes Archiving scripts, converters etc. ttl
ACTION Get update from Tan Le, next meeting.
19 Porting/Migration website Use NCI access trac. Need NCI userid for everyone.Need more disk space & proper backup regime for nci.trac server. rab,mjn
ACTION Monitor status.
20 Web serving and documentation from ngamai httpd from ngamai is active. nothing setup yet rab/Porting Group
ACTION Monitor status.
21 fcm utility fcm 1.5 used succssfully, but not fcm 2.3. fcm2.3 will need perl with appropriate libraries from /apps. see 3 Martin, /apps group
ACTION Monitor status.
24 UM Ancillaries input data. Since UM ancillaries, in particular for N512 can be quite large, propose that it go into /access/ancils instead of into UMDIR (or into /access/data/ancils ). access.admin, azs
ACTION No update
26 APS1 suite Xiao working on ngamai ACCESS-NWP suite(s) based on NMOC SCS components, paths, etc. Using "filled-in" executable, suite nearly working apart from OPS Joan, ciwt, Xiao
ACTION Continue.
27 APS2 suite APS2 is of secondary importance since it is not operational yet. ciwt, Xiao, Sergei, Joan
ACTION None for now.
28 ACCESS systems/suites not synchronous with operational system Will not be able to address this as part of porting project. Will need to wait until APS3 ROSE based systems. In the meantime, better documentation will help, also better source code tracking/building procedure - See item 17. Porting Group
ACTION None for now.
34 Higher management's Porting plan. ** Robert Jukic have been appointed as Project Manager by steering commitee to help in looking after all Porting activity.** rab, mjn
ACTION All porting staff should calculate estimates of time and % FTE required
35 SMS To be installed as a "module", as part of /apps. - Will be modularised. - Use new NMOC included files from Milton Woods, but CAWCR research may stay with their own set of include files. - put "SMSOUT" into different directory /apps group, Wenming
ACTION Update documentation on wiki page
36 Verify NWP verification software to be ported to ngamai and raijin. '''Chris Bridge to handle this, NMOC to manage. ngamai version will be included in /apps; raijin version to follow. Chris Bridge
37 Plotting Systems Part of some SMS suites. New version to be developed for Raijin mjn, Wenming


  • Hyperthreading, Turboboost, thread-settings for openmp libraries. These have been noted, for both ngamai and raijin, will be investigated; they're not critical to operational porting activity.

  • nci trac wiki was down for a day or two. Not sure if it is related to nci vmware issue, or due to disk full. Question was asked about available diskspace for the wiki.

* * * * * Next Meeting is on Wed 11am, 7th August 9E Meeting room. * * * * *