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[azs, Tue 16/6/2013] This is the initial version of meeting notes 1, saved prior to further updates.

<h1  style="text-align: left; color: green"> ACCESS CAWCR BoM (NWP systems) migration to ngamai project documentation </h1>

* * * Next Meeting is on Wed 11am, 17th July 9E Meeting room * * *


With the commissioning of new super-computer ngamai, BoM's current solar
supercomputer will be scheduled for removal.

This project covers migration of ACCESS-CAWCR-BoM (ESM) NWP applications to ngamai.

Part of the task include reporting, documentation and resource planning.


 CAWCR: mjn, rab, azs, ilia, yix, wenming,Zhihong Li
        Tan Le,Tim Pugh, Chris Tingwell, Martin Dix
 NMOC: jrf, ivor, joan 

 Related Groups:

 -- High level ngamai porting planning group
 -- NMOC operational porting activity

 -- /apps system team

 -- nci/raijin access porting activity

 -- Other porting groups ( poama, oceans, bluelink .... ).

Time Frame

Contractual deadline for solar is 1st Nov 2013

  • Overrunning the deadline will have severe cost to BoM.

  • There is need for timely reporting to higher management, especially in relation to resourcing aspects, and risks of meeting time deadlines.

  • The key systems for solar switch off are operational systems; CAWCR research will also be expected to be moved off solar by the same time.

First Meeting was on Wed 11am, 10th July 10E Meeting room.

Present: Ilia, Mike Naughton, Robin, Tan Le, Chis Tingwell, Wenming, Jim, Ivor.

Apologies: Joan, Xiao, Tim Pugh, Martin Dix.

Issues and Task List

1 Oracle Handover of Ngamai to BoM Done on 27th June rab
2 30 Days Ngamai Acceptance test Commenced from handover date (end June), running a SSP mix of programs (including UM benchmark from solar. Acceptance mainly upon 30 days of running without error. No acceptance test doc. Due to complete on 4th week of July. So far there have been no problems. Side note: So far Raijin have been found to be slower than solar for UM using equivalent number of cores/config rab
3 Logins for initial BoM users /apps group only at this stage. Decided to rebuild /apps using v12 compilers as compared to v13 on yambuk. Ongoing work. /apps group, rab
4 Ngamai Configuration Linux 6.2 Will be identical to solar, but with newer s/w versions. Generally, all s/w on solar, there will be equivalent on ngamai, but no older version unless necessary. File system setup is similar, different h/w namespaces. There will be filesystem quota. rab
5 Logins for CAWCR/NMOC migration team No status yet as of 12/7/2013 rab
6 Intel compiler 11.0.83 Strong need, but not straightforward to provide. This may be a difficult issue. Two prong approach is advised. ilia,rab, group
7 Source Code for UM Migrate SVN repository mirror from solar azs
8 Source Code for VAR Migrate SVN repository from solar azs
9 Source Code for OPS Migrate SVN repository from solar azs
10 Source Code for SURF Migrate SVN repository from solar azs
11 ~access directory Copy solar's to "from_solar" on ngamai. Move to proper place as we go along. Improve where suitable. Interoperability with raijin is important consideration and should be done where possible. access.admin
12 GCOM Libraries Decide naming strategy, identify required versions/compile options, Synchronise with Raijin access.admin, azs,ilia,Martin
13 Migrate Trac databases Cutover from solar to ngamai at appropriate time azs
14 UM Small execs Comments Who?
15 Migrate UMUI, VARUI & OPSUI Comments Who?
16 CAPS program on ngamai Comments Who?
17 Re-compile/build UM 7.5/7.6 Executables for APS1 - Global, Regional, Access-C ... Documentation of build procedure group, azs
18 MARS archiving scripts Comments ttl
19 Porting/Migration website Use NCI access trac. Need NCI userid for everyone Porting Group
20 Web serving and documentation from ngamai Comment rab/Porting Group
21 fcm utility Comment Who
22 Miscellaneous utilities used by ACCESS systems Comment Who
23 profile.gen.access Should be in /access/scripts, not in /access Who
24 UM Ancillaries input data Comments Who
25 Misc UM parameter files Comments Who
26 APS1 suite Comments Who
27 APS2 suite Comments Who
28 ACCESS systems/suites not synchronous with operational system Will not be able to address this as part of porting project. Will need to wait until APS3 ROSE based systems. In the meantime, better documentation will help, also better source code tracking/building procedure Who
29 STASHMaster File Regression Not possible. Must be due to misunderstanding/mistake Who
30 NCI Training course on 22nd July Not that relevant to experienced users. Who
31 Back copy of solar files prior to its decommisioning. Easy to do. Who
32 $CWSHARE Will still be required, though most shared scripts and utilities will be in /access/bin or /access/scripts. Who
33 Suites/Applications to work regardless of user's default login shell and environment Desirable. Who
34 Higher management's Porting plan Will be of help for our reference Who
98 Any other business Comments Who
99 More Other Issues/Dependencies Comments Who

Next Meeting is on Wed 11am, 17th July 9E Meeting room.

[Fri 5/7/2013] azs: initial skeleton page

[Mon 15/7/2013] azs: Updates with notes from 1st Meeting on Wed 10/7/2013.

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