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Pre Meeting notes


From: Ilia Bermous Sent: Tuesday, 9 July 2013 2:49 PM To: Asri Sulaiman; Michael Naughton; Yi Xiao; Robin Bowen; Martin Dix; Tim Pugh; Tan Le; Chris Tingwell; Wenming Lu; Jim Fraser; Joan Fernon Subject: RE: Access-Bom Porting Project - Call for initial meeting 11am, Wed 10th July, 10E [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hello All,

Following my previous document on the above mentioned topic I have decided to provide a little bit more information. The main reasons for this are that my previous document included a list of very broad tasks and from my point of view a more detailed document/approach is required.

So today I have created a very draft starting version for the document which should be extended and filled with more technical details later. The document may have some technical omissions due to a lack of my experience running NWP, at the same time Xiao or Chris can provide more technical details on what actually is required with the flavour already included in the document.

The first initial version includes only a very few top level and not expanded to the bottom items and clearly some further work is required to produce a full version of the document for all tasks to be ported to Ngamai.

What is your opinion on this regard?

Thank you.



From: Asri Sulaiman Sent: Monday, 8 July 2013 14:53 To: Michael Naughton; Yi Xiao; Robin Bowen; Martin Dix; Tim Pugh; Tan Le; Ilia Bermous; Chris Tingwell; Wenming Lu; Jim Fraser; Joan Fernon Subject: Access-Bom Porting Project - Call for initial meeting 11am, Wed 10th July, 10E [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi All,

This is meeting call for ACCESS-CAWCR (Primarily BoM) and NMOC staff who will be involved in porting applications out of solar to ngamai.

For this first meeting, I think the starting point should be to develop a list of all the tasks that need to be done, what it entails, the issues related to it, and the follow up from there.

Since many CAWCR staff will also be using raijin at NCI, there will be some common items where interoperability is desired.

If you feel like replying with items you want included in the agenda before-hand, that is welcome. Ilia recently sent a list to a number of us which we can use as basis, plus any extension that we may make in the meantime.

I will try to send the initial list of items by Tue evening.

Me and Mike have also started an initial wiki page using NCI access-trac system - which is preferred to any wiki that is accessible only within BoM. It does require everyone to have an nci userid though.

My apologies for the short notice and the fixed schedule -- it is hard to get booking confirmation for meeting rooms these days, so we need to take what we can get.

Let me know if you unable to attend.

Cheers ---AS

PS: I propose a name for this project,which just came to me. We can call it Project NewSun ( or Operation NewSun) ;-)


From: Ilia Bermous

Sent: Tuesday, 2 July 2013 2:24 PM

To: Asri Sulaiman; Chris Tingwell; Martin Dix; Michael Naughton; Robin Bowen; Tim Pugh; Wenming Lu; Yi Xiao

Cc: Peter Steinle

Subject: Ngamai porting [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hello All,

As the acceptance/testing task/project is coming very very soon I have decided to take an initiative to write a first very draft and very broad in its content document to include some details on what should be done for the task. Remembering my previous experience in doing a similar task for Exemplar/Solar testing this kind of document was ready well in advance before starting to do the task. That document was compiled as a work of a group of people involved in doing the task. Unfortunately I have not seen a copy of a similar document, even during our latest “Supercomputer Upgrade (HPC Phase 3)” meeting on 22 May 2013 a copy of the document for Ngamai acceptance testing was requested.

As it is a very draft first version of the document, there is a high probability that some very important items have not been included and it is our group task to create a version of the document with the input from all members.

As per its draft version already some tasks can be performed even now on Solar before waiting the availability of the new Ngamai system.

So in this regard a meeting is required as soon as possible for all people involved.



Extract from Word Doc attachment:

From: Ilia Bermous
Date: 2 July 2013

Ngamai porting task

1.	Who is responsible and what should be done?
2.	Sources and building software stack
b.	Sources for VAR
c.	Sources for OPS
d.	Sources for SURF
e.	All required GCOM versions (GCOM3.5 is used in ACCESS-G & ACCESS-R)
f.	UM utilities and top scripts (qxreconf, qxsetup, makebc,…) 
g.	Software stack: Intel compiler version, OpenMPI library version, ‘-xHost”, compilation options (are they the same as before?)
h.	Location of all new builds (master copy location)
i.	fcm software
3.	Scripts and “other” software for UM,VAR, OPS and SCS jobs
i.	~/.profile file based on profile.gen.access
ii.	“vn18.2” scripts
b.	SMS
4.	Data files from /access/umdir directory.
5.	Initial runs on Solar with the usage of Intel12.1.8.273 & openmpi/1.6.3 without “-xHost” for UM as per Mike’s recommendation
a.	simple UM job (Global, Regional, input data)
i.	criteria for results acceptance
b.	simple VAR job
c.	NWP runs using Chris’ run environment for ACCESS-G & ACCESS-R
6.	Item 5 jobs run on Ngamai using corresponding Ngamai executables.
7.	Archiving tasks with SAM and MARS
8.	Whether individual tests are required for some software as SURF, OPS and others.
9.	A wiki Website for porting status, comments, detected issues, etc.

-----# Attachments