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= Seventeenth ACCESS/CAWCR Informal Workshop

Bureau of Meteorology, 6th Floor Conference Room,700 Collins St, Melbourne, Australia

19th May 2015


# Time # Presenter # Title
09.05 – 09.10 Lawrie Rikus “Welcome”
span(style=color: #0000FF, ACCESS and Oceans)
09.10 – 09.25 Hailin Yan “ACCESS-CM2 development: preliminary results”
09.25 – 09.50 ***Debra Hudson and Robyn Duell *** “Improved seasonal forecast system and service"
09.50 – 09.55 Pandora Hope'' “Response to CO2 levels in POAMSA forecasts”
09.55 – 10.10 Andy Taylor “ACCESS-G surface fluxes inputs to OceanMAPS forecasts”
10.10 – 10.25 [span(style=color: #68838B, Jaclyn Brown)]] ](/ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive/wiki/[[span(style=color:-#68838B,-“How-would-ACCESS-OM-output-change-if-it-was-run-at-higher-resolution-in-the-tropical-Pacific?”))
span(style=color: #0000FF, ACCESS, Rain and Cloud) =
11.00 – 11.15 Charmaine Franklin "High ice water content modelling study"
11.15 – 11.30 David Smith “More on ACCESS-GE Rainfall Verification”
11.30 – 11.45 Hanh Nguyen “Sensitivity of the ACCESS regional forecast model statistical rainfall properties to resolution”
11.45 – 12.00 Harun Rashid “Impact of horizontal resolution changes on the simulated rainfall bias over the Maritime Continent”
span(style=color: #0000FF, ACCESS and Climate )
13.20 – 13.40 Andrew King & Andrea Dittus "Australia's contribution to the C20C+ project: AMIP runs of ACCESS"
13.40 – 13.55 Rachel Law “Analysis of the ACCESS-ESM1 pre-industrial control simulation”
span(style=color: #0000FF, ACCESS and the Land Surface )
13.55 – 14.10 Lauren Stevens "Evaluating the Surface Climatology produced by two different LSMs in ACCESS"
14.10 - 14.25 Huqiang Zhang “Preliminary results on using Transpose-AMIP for testing CABLE potential application for NWP”
14.25 – 14.40 Vinod Kumar “Verification of soil moisture from ACCESS Global NWP Model”
span(style=color: #0000FF, ACCESS and Aerosols )
15.05 – 15.20 Peter Vohralik “Impact of aerosols in ACCESS-1.4 coupled-model simulations”
15.20 – 15.35 Julie Noonan "Current aerosol results from ACCESS, and the new GLOMAP-Mode scheme"
span(style=color: #0000FF, Data )
15.35 – 15.50 Rob Smalley & Tim Bedin “AWAP (AGCD): netcdf conversion, Metadata, versioning and future work”
15.50 – 16.00 ''Jingbo Wang "NCI Data Access and Services"
span(style=color: #0000FF, ACCESS and Climate Infrastructure )
16.00 – 16.15 Scott Wales “Contributing UM changes to the Met Office Shared Repository”
16.15 – 16.30 Mark Collier "Running the PCMDI Metrics package on RAIJIN"
