access_JEDIAtNCI_MiniAcademyJune2020_Activity1A - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

Interactive activity 1A

This covers "Monday A: Getting Started with AWS, Singularity, and JEDI"

Steps 1 and 2

As jedi-stack, the software stack for running JEDI applications is already set up on Gadi you can skip Steps 1 and 2.

Step 3

We will have to make a slight change with this step as the tutorial assumes the code is available on disk. I suggest you do the following,

mkdir -p ${TOP_DIR}/academy/jedi/src               # preferably on /g/data
cd ${TOP_DIR}/academy/jedi/src                     # underneath this directory fv3-bundle repo will be cloned
git clone  # clone a bundle
cd ..                                              # we are now on academy/jedi
mkdir build                                        # a build directory that is separate from the source
cd build                                           # we are now in the build directory
ecbuild ../src/fv3-bundle                          # configure build - this is a step before compile/link
                                                   # this step clones repos that fv3-bundle requires, among other things

${TOP_DIR} is where you would prefer to work in. Make sure the location has plenty of disk space. An example might be $TOP_DIR=/g/data/dp9/${USER}.

Notice we are using the fv3-bundle repo from the github account, jedi-ac06 ( rather than from JCSDA ( This is to allow us to push code changes to github repos, a part of an exercise in Interactive activity 1B.

After the commands go to the fv3-bundle source directory and you should see various repositories that are cloned. Follow the rest of Step 3.

Steps 4 and 5

Since we use libraries that were built natively we don't have the need to use the JEDI container. So skip these two steps.

Step 6

You should be able to do this step as it is.