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Mini JEDI Academy - June 2020

All the lecture slides and tutorial instructions are in

There are articles published in a special JEDI edition of JCSDA Quarterly Newletter. The articles are written by the lecturers at the Monterey academy and they supplement the lecture slides nicely.

Preparing for the tutorial

  • Go to the official page of the JEDI academy held at Monterey ( Follow the link, "Preparation and Resources" and read as much as you can.

  • Make sure your user environment on Gadi is set up properly to run JEDI applications. Go back and follow the instructions under the heading, "Running JEDI subsystems and applications" on the JEDIAtNCI wiki if you haven't done so already.

  • Read the lecture presentation slides for each day before starting on interactive activities. You will most likely go back and forth between the lecture slides and the interactive exercises. Don't feel discouraged if you don't understand the lecture slides fully. Understanding will come slowly over time as you learn more about various aspects of JEDI and the C++ language.

  • Here's our mini academy timetable which follows very closely the one used at Monterey,

    | Monterey Academy Presentation Slides | Monterey Academy Interactive Activities | Mini Academy Interactive Activities | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | Monday, Feb 24 | Monday A: Getting Started with AWS, Singularity, and JEDI

Monday B: Running an Application, Git Flow, and ZenHub | Interactive activity 1A

Interactive activity 1B | | Tuesday, Feb 25 | Tuesday A: Adding new observations to be assimilated

Tuesday - Session B | Interactive activity 2A

Interactive activity 2B | | Wednesday, Feb 26 | Wednesday A: FGAT and 4D-Var

Wednesday B: Keep Going! | Interactive activity 3A

Interactive activity 3B | | Thursday, Feb 27 | Thursday A: Adding a filter test to JEDI

Thursday B: wrap-up | Interactive activity 4A

Interactive activity 4B |

How the online training will run

Most of the communication leading up to and on the day of the tutorial will be through the MS Teams channel, "JEDI" which is under the "Resarch Program" team. Check on MS Teams whether you can see the JEDI channel. If you can't then let me know so that we can add your name on its membership list.

Here're some guidelines on how we will use MS Teams,

  • On each day of training please leave MS Teams running. Training will be conducted as if every participant is in a same (physical) room. This means there will be some interruptions.
  • During any training session if you have any question or want to discuss something which you think is of general interest please start an MS Teams meeting. This type of meeting could be started after writing a short summary of what you want to discuss so that people can decide whether to join the meeting based on the topic.
  • While reading the lecture slides or attempting tutorial exercises on your own outside of the tutorial sessions Jin will be available. Use @Jin Lee to draw my attention or other mini JEDI academy participant who you think will be able to answer your question.
  • Depending on your preference you might like to change the channel notification settings of the channel, "Research Program -> JEDI channel" in MS Teams. This will allow you to stay in touch with any announcements for the mini academy and with other participants.

Interactive activities

span(style=color:#FF0000, **Under Construction From Here on!!!!)


I recommend that you read Presentation Slides given on each day and then attempt Interactive Activities listed under the same day. The course at the Academy was 4 days long but this will not be the case when you are doing self-paced learning. Please contact Jin LEE using MS Teams or by email ([email protected]) when you get stuck. Good luck and may the force be with you!


If you have found errors or have suggestions for improving the training please write them here