access_CMIP5_QC_errors - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

This page contains a summary of the errors found by the QCL2 tool for the ACCESS CMIP5 runs

  • F4="F4: pfull and phalf are only climatologies of 12 months, with one file for each, so this error doesn't make sense, ignoring. "
  • W59_3="W59_3: land cover fractions are constant in time, so it makes sense that these records are identical for all months. "
  • W95="W95: pfull and phalf are climatologies, so their filename matches the period of climatological averaging but the values in the time axis of the file just represent the month (in year 1). "
  • F3200="F3200: suspect isolated replcated records occur rarely and are unlikely to be a problem. "
  • F400="F400: suspect minimum values occur rarely and are unlikely to be a problem. "
  • F800="F800: suspect maximum values occur rarely and are unlikely to be a problem. "
  • W56_5="W56_5: hfrunoffds was produced as a 2D field in an earlier version, causing this confusion in the QC of the newer 3D field. This is OK. "
  • E64="E64: hfrunoffds was produced as a 2D field in an earlier version, causing this confusion in the QC with the new file. "
  • F2 for ACCESS1-3 piControl (possibly problematic)
  • F2="F2: An extra 20 years of data for daily fields was accidentally published (years 436-455, corresponding to 2036-2055 of the rcp's). "
  • F2 for rcp's (OK)
  • F2="F2: The 3hrly data for the rcp's is requested for 2026-2045 and 2081-2100. The QC is interpreting the gap between 2046-2080 as missing, but this is expected. "
  • F2 for abrupt4xCO2
  • F2="F2: The 3hrly data for the abrupt4xCO2 is requested for the first 5 years and years 121-150. The QC is interpreting the gap between as missing, but this is expected. "
  • W46_7="W46_7: Filenames use ACCESS1-3, rather than the actual model_id ACCESS1.0. "
  • W47_5="W47_5: Height dimension correctly reports near surface fields as diagnosed at 1.5m rather than 2m. "
  • F100="F100:This is a problem! Data is missing for huss for ACCESS1.3 historical and piControl, for Dec265 and... "
  • F1="F1: omldamax for access1.3 1pctc02 has an extra time step added to the end which is dodgey. "
  • W58_9="W58_9: Unsure about this, but don't think it is a problem. (INFO: 1): 8 time(s): standard table:MIP-T=aero, var=concbc: type check discarded, not specified in the MIP Table. "
  • W46_1="W46_1:missing project_id attribute (gridspec )"
  • W45_3="W45_3 (WARNING: 2): 2 time(s): Gridspec file is not CF compliant and was not published in the latest version"
  • F200="F200 (WARNING: 2): 48 time(s): entire record with constant value: for daily fields in access1.3 historical r3i1p1"
  • W46_1="W46_1: gridspec missing project_id. Gridspec file is not compliant and was not published in the latest version"