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ACCESS Oversight Committee - Notes from the 24th September 2020

1. Round-table - update on activities and issues relating to ACCESS


  • The hindcasts of the ACCESS-S2 seasonal prediction system are ongoing and approaching 50% complete. The hindcasts are for the period 1981 to present, with 3 ensemble members to lead time of up to 9 months starting on each of 11 start days per month, with additional 6 ensemble members to lead time 6 weeks starting on each of 6 start days per month (with focus on the multi-week prediction). The ACCESS-S2 real-time trial is to commence in the next month, with the aim of becoming operational around March 2021.
  • The Bureau has started runs of the UM-based downscaler at 2.2 km resolution over eastern Australia. Will do two 20-year periods 1986-2015 and 2040-2059 nested in ACCESS-1.0. This is a pilot project to ascertain efficacy.
  • There is a JSHESS special issue coming out on collaborative work between the Bureau (Huqiang Zhang lead) and CMA and Met Office researchers on 'atmospheric river' behaviour over the Australian and east Asian region and its simulation in the UM.
  • The Bureau Annual R&D Workshop "A Land of Storms, Floods and Bushfires: Seamless and Integrated Forecasting" will be held online 23-26 November 2020.

Universities (including STRESS2020 high res simulation)

  • CLEX workshop - 16-19th November
  • 400m runs to be announced and released early October

CSIRO (including ALCG simulations)

  • Working though ALCG simulations primarily on DAMIP runs
  • ESM runs now 30 members for historical and SSP-245 scenario
  • Issues with storage raised


  • CMIP publication of data proceeding
  • ACCESS code – performance evaluation on-going


  • OMIP runs with ACCESS OM2 @ 1 degree with WOMBAT.
  • Several additional experiments
  • Possible 0.25 degree OMIP (physics only)
  • 10th degree model also running for comparison.
  • Storage issues at NCI problematic
  • Monash funding for storage via LIEF for ERA-5 and model output arrived at NCI
  • Notes BoM workshop on the future of ocean modelling not leading to convergence.


  • Planning ACCESS CM2 and ESM1.5 webinar on (provisionally) 20th Oct. Update on CMIP6 data sets too.
  • Delay on NESP2.0 announcement – delayed until “towards the end of 2020”. Start date uncertain.

UM Partnership activities

2. ACCESS related training and webinars (plans, requests)

  • Addressed above
  • Half day meeting associated with the AMOS meeting

3. ACCESS development planning (including but not restricted to NESP2 and/or ACCESS-NRI)

  • Wait to see outcome of the ACCESS NRI

4. Any other business

  • WCRP rethinking plans around “Lighthouse activities” in the future. Interwoven with new technology. Early planning around writing science plans.

  • Next meeting 22nd October

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