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ACCESS Oversight Committee, 21 October 2019

Activities and issues relating to ACCESS

CMIP6 simulations are progressing. ACCESS-CM2, CMIP6 DECK (amip, piControl, abrupt4xCO2, 1pctCO2) and ScenarioMIP Tier 1 are completed (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5). historical ensemble runs are also progressing (2 members completed, 3rd will be done on Gadi). There are plans to do an ensemble of three for SSP4-7.0 and possibly other scenarios after Gadi becomes operational.

ESM1.5: Three members of each of the four SSP scenarios done. Emission driven SSP5-8.5 currently being runs being redone. amip simulation still to be run. Postprocessing is progressing, being set up now for NCI to put up on the ESGF. Intention to get ACCESS-ESM1.5 operational on Gadi. There are updates in the CSIRO version of ESM1.5 relative to the version CLEX is exploring and efforts to resolve this will be started.

It was noted that the ¼ degree ocean is attractive for the next version of the Decadal Forecasting project.

The 4th Convective Scale Modelling workshop at NCAR will be held in a couple of weeks. An ENSEMBLES-NWP workshop, partly sponsored by the UM Partnership, will be held in India

Progress is being made on a 400m simulation with ACCESS. This is joint between CLEX, BoM and NCI and represents a larger domain than any UKMO set-up.

Announcement of publication of ACCESS CMIP6 data to ESGF at NCI

A considerable effort is underway at NCI to prepare publication of ACCESS CMIP6 data to ESG. Some issues around publication are being resolved.

Discussion on following elements of agreed work plan

ACCESS Model Version Releases: a lot of work has progressed ACCESS CM-2 for formal release on Gadi including moving all necessary files to a shared space on Raijin, with a focus now on getting version that will work with libraries on Gadi. Small differences with ongoing checks to see if just ‘round-off’ machine precision differences or whether real scientific differences are emergent. For users of ACCESS, please be aware that results generated on Raijin will not be bit-wise reproducible on Gadi. There will be no official release of CM2 on Raijin given pending decommission.

Other business

We seek input on the enthusiasm for a training day in association with CM2 release on Gadi. We are currently targeting March 2020.

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