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ACCESS Oversight Committee - Notes from the 27th May 2021

  • Chair: Charmaine Franklin
  • Rapporteur: Simon Marsland
  • Apologies: Christian Jakob
  • Guests: Dale Holland (ANU, ACCESS-NRI), Richard Coleman (UTAS Emeritus, ACCESS-NRI Interim Director)
  • Present: Andy Pitman, Ben Evans, Andy Hogg, Rachel Law, Andrew Lenton, Bertrand Timbal
  • Absent: Richard Matear

1. Welcome

a. Acknowledgement of Country b. Confirmation of agenda


a. Update (Dale Holland)

  • Dale Holland introduced Richard Coleman as proposed Interim Director ACCESS-NRI. RC has been introduced to ANU DVC, which went well. RC will be in Canberra in following weeks for further discussions. On-going identification of space at ANU, preferably at Research School of Earth Sciences.

  • DH - Key actions going forward include: Partner contributions; COVID impacts; Level of service and engagement from agreement; sketched out in original transmitted package to Gov, needs to be reaffirmed; any changes identified with partners; Governance arrangements, using transmitted package; IP to be scrutinised by partner legal depts; activity plans and timeframes to be developed.

b. Next steps for the group (All)

Planning meeting focussed on ACCESS-NRI to be scheduled by DH (subsequently set Thursday 3rd June)

15:25 DH and RC left meeting

3. Update on ACCESS Science Day (Rachel Law)

  • Rachel Law reported a good response to Science Day planning, with 45 talks, and 80+ registrations; Melbourne to be moved to online (COVID), possibly with

AH – plan to go ahead in person at Canberra; ditto AP for UNSW;

4. BARRA Dataset update

  • BT – non-commercial license to research community
  • BE – first release BARRA dataset online (approx. 250TB) to be made more generally releasable; Additional BOM data is approx. 1.6PB, which would need a strong case and to find more specific details of what data is there and what is the community interest, survey to be done into research community to see what if any could be brought online.

5. NCRIS Road-mapping (revisited)

  • AP – New road-mapping phase commencing. Will need AOC and our community to champion IMOS, TERN, NCI and ACCESS-NRI in communications with Government Departments.

6. Round-table update on activities and issues relating to ACCESS (All)

a. BoM

  • CF – BARPA has produced 12km national climate projections for RCP4.5 and 8.5, 1980-2060
  • CF - new seasonal system almost running in real time, to go operational by September
  • CF - APS3 ACCESS Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Models - Operational Reference Data Collection available at NCI

b. Universities

  • AP – growing community around ACCESS-ESM1.5; asked Tilo Ziehn for further documentation to help new users
  • AH – planning higher ocean resolution ACCESS-CM2, working on finding a postdoc
  • RL – any value in forming a user group?
  • AP – one exists, a lot in paleo, community extends beyond CLEX universities


  • RL – still running both ESM1.5/CM2; building ensembles; ESM1.5 40 ensemble historical, CM2 has 5; present day control run with CM2; extensions to 2300 with 8.5 and 1.6 scenarios
  • SM – acknowledged NCI ALCG in providing compute for these new runs and larger ensembles

d. NCI

  • BE – A new service is undergoing Proof Of Concept and being tested with some early access users from different domains. The major new component of this is JupyterLab-Pangeo that allows Jupyter integrated access to multi-node analysis; For climate the proof of concept started with COSIMA-CLEX group, next CSIRO and BoM; depending on testing will make a full release in a month. Will be in contact with users as we get things ready.
  • BE – Expect the Singapore climate group to start on NCI soon
  • BE – Visualisation for ACCESS models, still in back-and-forth with researchers to get nice visualisations package for ESM1.5/CM2; will need AOC and community to get the public relationships
  • RL – asked could we do a sneak-peak at ACCESS Science Day?
  • BE – Ask Peter Dobrohotoff since he is coordinating with the CSIRO researchers and NCI viz team.


  • AH – Multi-institutional agreement almost signed off, 3 partners to sign
  • AH – Kick Off Meeting 20 May – governance, early steps, project mgmt. committee stood-up, recruiting a software engineer around pangeo, data publishing and user support
  • AH – money not yet flowing but commencing with regional MOM6 OBC, pan Antarctic south of 37S, 1/20th degree looking beautiful
  • AH – with UMel – coupled MOM6 Wavewatch ΒΌ degree; starting CICE6/MOM6 coupling discussions with NCAR


  • SM – Climate Systems Hub commenced 11 May; draft Knowledge Brokering, Communications, Data Management and Indigenous Partnerships Strategies were submitted to DAWE 14th May; 1st Steering Committee meeting held 21 May; submission of draft Research Plan Version 1 to DAWE 1st June; things moving fast; further work needed on project partner budgets in accord to partner shares.

g. UM partnership activities

  • CF - UM User Virtual Workshop 14-17 June
  • SM – Global Climate Coordination Group met 20 May, Simon withdrawing,
  • RL – possibly Martin Dix to join existing CSIRO rep Harun Rashid
  • CF – BoM reps on GCCG are Oscar Alves and Debbie Hudson

7. AOB (All)

  • CF – invite NRI Interim Director to speak at ACCESS Science Day
  • AH – to mention to RC

8. Close 16:06

  • Next Meeting – 24th June; Chair – Rachel Law; Rapporteur – Bertrand Timbal
  • AH – apology next meeting

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