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ACCESS Oversight Committee, 20 January 2020

Update on activities and issues relating to ACCESS

  • ACCESS submissions to CMIP6 now have data on ESGF (DECK and Scenarios) with more data (other MIPs, ensemble members) to follow.
  • Three papers (model descriptions and AMIP evaluation) submitted to JSHESS. Tony Hirst appointed as editor for ACCESS-CMIP6 special issue. Papers from other groups welcome to special issue.
  • Chemistry and JULES-CABLE coupling work continuing and reported in January UM users newsletter.
  • Convective scale ACCESS system going into Bureau operations.
  • Convective scale workshop next week (at NCAR). Video conferencing will be available.
  • BoM R&D plan for next decade due for release shortly. Includes high resolution modelling, ensembles, data assimilation plans
  • University: Grant success for LIEF grant – disk space for ERA5 (selected variables). ~1Pb

NCSAC strategic plan: ACCESS action item

It was noted that there was the following in the NCSAC strategic plan relating to ACCESS (available at:

''Action 4) ACCESS partners including the Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and key universities should review and extend their collaborative effort to develop ACCESS as Australia’s national weather and climate model platform, in cooperation with our long-standing international partners.

''4a) the principles to guide the ongoing collaboration for the ACCESS model should be defined and the governance and coordination arrangements improved. This could include consideration of negotiating a new formal collaborative agreement between the partners; and

''4b) this collaboration should align with the Scoping Study for the Optimisation of the ACCESS Model being led through the Department of Education and NCI secretariat, as part of the Australian Government Research Infrastructure Investment Plan.

The AOC discussed these actions from NCSAC. No immediate action by the AOC was considered necessary but this is likely to be an important matter once the NCSAC follow-up committee is established and/or once the outcome of the ACCESS-NRI is known.

ACCESS-CM2 CMIP6 version on Gadi

  • Waiting on availability of Broadwell nodes to test reproducibility across Cascade Lake and Broadwell.
  • Martin Dix will work with Scott Wales to test ACCESS CM2 on new nodes
  • Documentation to be updated and tested.
  • Porting of ESM1.5 to gadi is in progress.
  • Efforts to use the ‘payu’ run method with ESM1.5 being implemented

Grand Challenge Simulations – Update on STRESS2020 NCI initiative

  • NCI called for submissions. Scott and Christian submitted response. Aim to run 400m resolution for Australia. 13000 cores. Viability unclear but next step is to try a few timesteps.

Update from the recent GC community meeting

  • Christian reported that GC4 frozen at end of month. One more version (GC5) before LFRic.
  • New Process Evaluation Group – Indo-Pacific model biases, led by O. Alves and H. Hendon. Two year science plan being developed. Infrastructure/software tools discussed.
  • Next GC workshop, systematic errors, Feb 2021.
  • Intent around ESMvaltool … Ben Evans noted difficulties with getting it working at NCI.

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