access_AccessUserTrainingMar2016 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

ACCESS User Training Course 21-24 March 2016


Running the ACCESS model for research and operations

This is the wiki page for the March 2016 ACCESS User Training Workshop, held at the Bureau of Meteorology.

Course plan

The course is aimed at current, new and prospective ACCESS users, to equip people for working with the new Rose-Cylc based ACCESS weather and climate systems.

Presenters: Joao Teixeira, UK Met Office, External Collaboration Team; plus staff from the ACCESS partner organisations.

Venue: Bureau of Meteorology Conference Rooms, Level 6, 700 Collins Street, Docklands.

Monday: ACCESS, Rose-Cylc and UM

Tuesday: Seasonal Forecasting and Climate Modelling

Wednesday: Numerical Weather Prediction and High Resolution Modelling

Thursday: Development tools and work practices

The course will involve both presentations and practical sessions; both on-site and video-conference facilities for remote participation will be available. It is planned to record the sessions and make them available online, if this can be accomplished.

The course is supported by the UM Consortium Strategic Infrastructure Fund, and the ACCESS partners (Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Systems Science). There is no registration fee for the course.

Those participants planning to do the practical exercises on-site will need to bring their own laptops, and will need to be registered ACCESS users with NCI accounts on accessdev and raijin. Bureau guest wi-fi facilities will be provided for connecting with NCI facilities. Some Bureau laptops will be available for Bureau staff, as required.

Attendance will be limited to 120 participants on site for the presentations, with table space in the Conference Rooms for 65 for the practical sessions. Since Head Office Bureau staff have access to their office machines, preference will be given for 60 places for non-Bureau participants for the practical sessions.

Course program and links to presentation materials and videos


Group Photo | Joao | Val & Sharon | 1000th MOSRS User | Kamal Puri Public Service Medal Award | Organising Committee | Footy Outing | All



Video-conferencing details were supplied in the Registration Confirmation and Instructions to Participants email (see below). Here's a direct link to the V-C info.

For Bureau staff, you should just need the 4-digit number 1102 and PIN 7919 to connect from your desk phone or desktop Jabber program.


Registration is required for attending the course. Registrations closed on Wednesday 24 February. To request late registration, please email v.jemmeson at

In your email, please include the following:

  1. Name
  2. Institution
  3. Will you be attending in person, or remotely?
  4. For Bureau staff: Will you require a Bureau laptop for the practical sessions? (if there is enough table room to accommodate Bureau staff in the Conference Room)

Registered Participants

Registration Confirmation and Instructions were sent out to all registered participants by email on 7th March, including important course instructions. If you have registered, but have not received a confirmation email, please contact v.jemmeson at

Organising Committee

Michael Naughton, Martin Dix, Scott Wales, Joao Teixeira, Robin Bowen, Val Jemmeson, Yi Xiao, Wenming Lu, Oscar Alves, Ben Evans
