access_AccessUserTraining14Oct2014 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

<h1 style="text-align: center; color: blue"> NeCTAR Climate and Weather Science Laboratory</h1>
<h1 style="text-align: center; color: blue"> ACCESS Simulation and Modelling</h1>
<h1 style="text-align: center; color: darkgreen"> ACCESS User Training Workshop</h1>
<h1 style="text-align: center; color: darkgreen"> 14 October 2014</h1>


[MichaelNaughton, JimFraser, HilaryOliver, YiXiao, WenmingLu, AsriSulaiman, RobinBowen, MartinDix, ScottWales]

Running the ACCESS model for research and operations

This is the wiki page for the upcoming ACCESS User Training Workshop. It is being built up in preparation for the workshop. It is expected that all the main workshop presentations and materials will be available here when the workshop is run. Until then, all the material and presentations are subject to change.

Program and links to materials

Level 6 Conference Rooms

Bureau of Meteorology, 700 Collins St, Melbourne

Tuesday 14 October 2014

9:00 Room open for pre-workshop setup
9:30 Michael Naughton Welcome and Introduction
9:35 Hilary Oliver Introduction to Rose and Cylc infrastructures for specification and running of complex suites & NIWA use of Rose & Cylc for operational UM NWP suites
10:45 Morning Tea
11:10 Jim Fraser Bureau use of SMS for operational scheduling, and plans for evaluation of job scheduling options for future Bureau operational needs
11:40 Yi Xiao ACCESS NWP suites design for research and operations
12:00 Wenming Lu ACCESS-C prototype Rose-Cylc and Rose-SMS interoperable suite design
12:15 Asri Sulaiman ACCESS Rose-Cylc technical infrastructure at NCI and BoM
12:30 Lunch
1:45 Scott Wales Plans for ACCESS UMUI legacy usage support
2:00 Martin Dix Use of Rose-Cylc for ACCESS Coupled Model
2:20 Craig MacLachlan Migration of Met Office coupled model to Rose
2:40 Martin Dix Open discussion canvassing user input on ACCESS training events and online materials
2:50 Afternoon Tea
3:15 Hilary Oliver Advanced Cylc scheduler topics tutorial (*)
5:00 Finish

Note: All the talks from Hilary's visit are packed together in the one compressed tar file; both references in the table above link to the same file. Please download and uncompress the files in a folder. Go to the folder and open the index.html with Firefox; you can choose from a list of his talks during the workshop and visit. Using navigation keys to go forward or backward.

Martin wasn't able to present his talks in the workshop so we do not have presentations for these talks.

Information for participants

The workshop will involve presentations and demonstrations; some of these may involve hands-on exercises. Participants may bring laptops, but this is optional. Wireless network access should be available. Participants who connect to NCI accessdev and raijin machines may be able to try some test runs for themselves during the workshop.

(*) The "Advanced Cylc scheduler topics tutorial" in the latter half of the afternoon is aimed to be tailored to ACCESS users needs. Users are invited to send in suggestions or questions or examples they would like to have covered in this session. The duration of this session will depend on the level of interest and the responses received.

Video-conference facilities will be available for remote participants; please contact Wenming Lu ([email protected]) in advance of the workshop if you require V-C access.

Video-conference details:

[email protected]
All Bureau attendees need to dial into this virtual room.
External participants are required to Internet dial ( or ISDN dial +61 3 8638 1199 and select meeting room 1162.

(*) The "Advanced Cylc scheduler topics tutorial" in the latter half of the afternoon is aimed to be tailored to ACCESS users needs. Users are invited to send in suggestions or questions or examples they would like to have covered in this session. The duration of this session will depend on the level of interest and the responses received.

Note for presenters

Presenters are requested to attach their presentations etc before the workshop, with file names like Surname_Topic.suffix, and add them as links in the table above.

Imaginary list of participants


Trip Report on Hilary Oliver's visit

Hilary Oliver has written trip report summarising his visit, especially the various discussions on job scheduler aspects. The report is provided in the attached file [attachment:].


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