access_ATIWG_011 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki


Meeting Notes: ACCESS Technical Infrastructure Working Group

MON 03-Feb-2015 6CONF2

Attendees: Michael Naughton, Martin Dix, Peter Steinle, Chris Tingwell, Scott Wales, Fabrizio Baordo, Paul Gregory, Jim Fraser, Jin Lee, Wenming Lu



1. Rose and Cylc

Rose/Cylc upgrades

  • Cylc6 installation on accessdev (Martin).

  • Rose 10-2014 installation on accessdev (Martin).

  • Cylc6 installed on twister (Xiao).

  • Rose 10-2014 installation on accesdev (Action: Xiao, Arn).

  • Testing the new Rose/Cylc installation on accessdev: Wenming could not submit job to raijin from accessdevtest;

    Martin tested few suites without any problems. The installation will roll over to accessdev.

    wiki to illustrate how to choose Cylc5/6

  • Rosebud default value for the content display (Jin & Wenming)

BoM Rosebush web server

  • No update. To follow up with Arnold (Action: Xiao & Robin).

Suite design & Executables Working Groups

  • No updates; Xiao to report in the next meeting

2. UM

UM shared repository

  • Group registration took place in Feb 2015 (Note: registration works with Firefox not IE) (Mike and others).
  • Mirror of UM shared repository to be on ngamai (Asri).
  • Rosestem in the shared repository; first task um vn10 (Martin & Scott)

UM Related Issues

  • prebuild (Martin?).
  • Coupled model bilding to be done.
  • Removing UM non-sensible warning messages (Mike & Ilia, 2016?)

3. NCI

Switch off accesscollab

  • Scott to contact Ben for the complete shutdown.

/apps tools on accessdev

  • Align /apps to that on raijin.

IT security

  • No updates.

Tester account

  • Done; Martin and Xiao have been using the account.

Trac wiki to accessdev

  • Changeover timing and steps to be actioned (Action: Scott & Wenming).


  • /g/data/rr4 data accessible from MARS-like utility? (Tan)

4. Training and Documentation

Next Rose/Cylc Training Workshop

  • Next Rose/Cylc Training Workshop is re-scheduled in Oct 2015.

Access Bulletin

  • Shared repository, CWSLab, etc. would be good to notify users about (Martin).

5. Other Issues


  • N512, APS2 City etc into CWSLab.

Collabration with Met Office

Shared Dataset

6. Next Meeting

  • Tuesday 10 Mar 2015, 6CONF1 Conference Room.

7. Links