access_ATIWG_010 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki


Meeting Notes: ACCESS Technical Infrastructure Working Group

MON 01-Dec-2014 9NORTH

Attendees: Michael Naughton, Martin Dix, Yi Xiao, Peter Steinle, Chris Tingwell, Asri Sulaiman, Scott Wales, Fabrizio Baordo, Imtiaz Dharssi, Guo Liu, Ng Say Teong, Wenming Lu

Video: None

Apologies: Robin Bowen

1. Rose and Cylc

Rose/Cylc upgrades

  • Cylc6 installed on accessdev (Martin).
  • Rose 10-2014 installed on accessdev (Martin).
  • Cylc6 installed on twister (Xiao).
  • Rose 10-2014 yet to be installed on accesdev by Arnold (Action: Xiao).
  • Scott to check puppet side on accessdev (Action: Scott).
  • Xiao & Wenming test the new Rose/Cylc installation on accessdev (Action: Xiao & Wenming).

BoM Rosebush web server

  • No update. To follow up with Arnold (Action: Xiao & Robin).

Suite design & Executables Working Groups

  • These are separate groups to handle those issues; only report to this meeting with no deep discussion.
  • Xiao is in charge of the APS Suite Design Working Group.
  • Asri & Xiao are in charge of the APS Exectuables Working Group.
  • Currently focussing on passing APS2 suites to BNOC.
  • Subject to further discussion, longer term scope may include climate suites, research suites, common working practice etc.
  • Non-NWP aspects currently covered by TIWG (i.e. this group)

2. UM

UM shared repository

  • UK Met Office's UM shared repository is online and open for registration (Mike and others).
  • Mirror of UM shared repository available on accessdev (Scott).

3. NCI

Switch off accesscollab

  • Only two users left on accesscollab. Contact the two users and proceed to shutdown (Action: Scott & Ben).

/apps tools on accessdev

  • /apps available on accessdev; to align with /apps on raijin (Scott?).
  • Standard module commands work, eg., module av, module load (Robin).
  • Switch to align accessdev modules practices with raijin and BoM.

IT security

  • No updates.

Tester account

  • Mostly done, more testing to expose limitations is needed by access.admin members (Robin).

Trac wiki to accessdev

  • One porting test has been done to prove it is feasible (Scott).
  • Attachments also need to be copied (Martin).
  • Simple mechanism for addition of outside users required (Mike).
  • Changeover timing and steps to be actioned (Action: Scott & Wenming).


  • NCI /g/data1 RDSI filesystems.
  • Ben Hu has assembled collections metadata.
  • Operational ACCESS NWP current data being copied daily (Tan Le).
  • Ben Hu has moved some historical ACCESS NWP data; no one available at this time to complete task.
  • Metadata collecting still underway.
  • Management processes including licensing, ownership, permissions: work in progress by ISS/EIM.

4. Training and Documentation

Hilary Oliver BoM visit

  • Hilary has produced report on his BoM visit (Mike).

Next Rose/Cylc Training Workshop

  • Next Rose/Cylc Training Workshop is planned to be in Mar 2015, aligned with next ACCESS Model Evaluation Workshop (Mike).
  • Aiming to set up standard ACCESS Training Course for this.

Access Bulletin

  • This is needed! (Robin).
  • Shared repository, CWSLab, etc. would be good to notify users about (Martin).

5. Other Issues

BoM HPC Tender

  • Tender has closed; evaluation is in progress (Robin).


  • NeCTAR CWSLab project is wrapping up by end of 2014. Likely extension to "NeCTAR 2" project for 1H2015 (Martin, Mike).

6. Next Meeting

  • Tuesday 3 Feb 2015, 9E Conference Room.

7. Links
