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Planning meeting for Ian Campbell's Bureau secondment to Bureau for ACCESS-NWP Rose development

Tue 21-Jan-2014 meeting

Attendees: Ian, Robin, Mike, Peter, Chris, Scott, Asri, Ilia, Martin, Wenming, Xiao

The meeting was for the purpose of discussing Ian Campbell's tasks for his secondment, but it was also used to consider the main ACCESS Rose items to be worked on for first half of 2014. This meeting was a pre-cursor to the Rose Working Group.

Robin Bowen 3-Jan email notice for 21-Jan meeting

Ian Campbell is starting work with the CAWCR ACCESS team based in BoM for the next six months with 70% of his time at BoM working on the BoM specific aspects of our various ACCESS related projects.

This meeting is an informal get together to discuss Ian's program of work, both immediate priorities and over the longer term.

I have booked 2 hours but hopefully it will be a much shorter meeting. Here is an outline of suggested work put together by Mike Naughton.

Tasks associated with this position:

  • Documentation and testing of ACCESS global NWP standard supported experiments.
  • Peer review of other ACCESS NWP experiments in the CWSL ACCESS Model Experiment Library.
  • Development and documentation of Rose-Cylc infrastructure on accessdev and raijin for general user release.
  • Assist with setup of Rose-Cylc-SMS infrastructure for the BoM internal systems (twister-ngamai) for ACCESS NWP development and operational uses.
  • Assist with ACCESS NWP interoperability between NCI and BoM environments.
  • Assist with ACCESS /apps interoperability between NCI and BoM environments.
  • Prepare and deliver user training for CWSL general user release to the ACCESS community:
    • General release website materials, announcements, etc.
    • Accessdev platform documentation
    • Rose-Cylc general and ACCESS-specific documentation.
  • Collaborate with Met Office and NIWA Rose & Cylc developers on ACCESS Rose & Cylc requirements.
  • Contribute to BoM effort on UM Partners TI Project tasks: Rose development and migration, configuration management, configuration testing, conversion of UM inputs and outputs to NetCDF file format, ancillary files generation software, visualisation software.

Other possible tasks could be to work on Bureau aspects of RDSI project and Fujitsu R&D project.