access_ACCESS_CM2_SSTAncillary - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

============= History create by Benjamin Ng Purpose: convert netCDF sst forcing file to UM pp format for UM 10x email:[email protected]


Load the following modules:

module use ~access/modules

module load python/2.7.11

module load pythonlib/ants/0.8.0

module load pythonlib/mule/2017.06.1

module load nco

  1. Add statsh code to netCDF file using ncatted • ncatted -a um_stash_source,ts,a,c,'m01s00i024'
  2. Convert to 360_day calendar using CDO (if needed) • cdo settunits,day -settaxis,1950-01-16,00:00:00,1mon -setcalendar,360_day infile outfile
  3. Create time bounds using ncap2 • ncap2 -O -s 'defdim("bnds",2); time_bnds=make_bounds(time,$bnds,"time_bnds");'
  4. Convert to anc using ants • infile -o outfile

Note: This example applies only to SST forcing data. The stash code used in the above command is only for SST