UMUW2016 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki


ACCESS Info Page for 2016 UM User Workshop

The 2016 UM User Workshop will take place at the Met Office in Exeter from 13 to 17 June 2016. Workshop information is available at the following link (collab_twiki login required), which contains the workshop programme.


Participation by video is available, by completing the registration form on the website as in the following "Late registration" section. The morning workshop sessions are 6-10 pm AEST, afternoon sessions finish about 2 am; the first day of the workshop is the Monday Queen's Birthday holiday in Australia.

The website and registration form request registration by 6 May; the Met Office have been contacted to find out if late registrations are still being accepted (Michael Naughton, 2-Jun). Note that video participation is coordinated through the Questmark service; software setup and pre-checking are required for this, which will be arranged prior to the workshop.

Late registration information (Michael Naughton, 7-Jun)

The workshop organisers have kindly agreed to accept our late registrations for video participation up until Australian Close-of-Business tomorrow (5pm Wednesday 8-Jun). Anyone interested can register by sending a message to (please cc to me too; I'll add your name to the ACCESS wiki page) with the following:

Subject: YOUR_NAME request to register for video participation in 2016 UM Users Workshop

  1. Name
  2. Organisation
  3. Email address & phone contact
  4. Whether their connection will be via V-C unit or Windows or Mac PC.
  5. Whether you need Questmark software (Cisco for Teleprescence, if you don't have V-C software already).
  6. What days or sessions you wish to attend.

Users will receive instructions on pre-testing their connections with Questmark, which will need to be done ahead of the workshop, during Questmark UK business hours (i.e. from 8am UK time, Mon-Fri). Note that anyone registering will be expected to attend or contact Questmark to give their apologies; no-shows without notification will be frowned upon.

Registration is only required to join in by video. If you're happy just to look at the powerpoints, no registration is required for this: all the workshop presentations will be available by their presentation time in the program section of the workshop page.

ACCESS registered participants

ACCESS will be represented in person at the workshop by

  • Michael Naughton, BoM
  • Imtiaz Dharssi, BoM
  • Jing-Jia Luo, BoM
  • Harry Hendon, BoM
  • Martin Dix, CSIRO
  • Ian Watterson, CSIRO
  • Ben Evans, NCI
  • Dale Roberts, NCI

ACCESS registered video participants are

  • Rachel Law, CSIRO: The land-surface session, June 14th, 6-10pm AEST, will be broadcast at Aspendale (contact Rachel for more information).
