ScienceDay3 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

ACCESS Science Day 3 - Friday 13th Sep, 2019

An ACCESS science day is being planned for Friday 13 Sep, 2019 (9.30am-4.00pm), open to anyone who works with or is interested in the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS). The aim is to share current work with ACCESS and both science and technical presentations are welcome. The focus of this particular meeting will be CMIP6 development and analysis. The meeting will be held at the Bureau of Meteorology in Melbourne, with video conference across four sites:

Melbourne: CSIRO Aspendale

Hobart: CSIRO (Freycinet Room)

Canberra: CSIRO Black Mountain

Sydney: UNSW (CCRC Board Room)

We strongly encourage you to attend in person at your nearest location. If this is not possible, video conference details can be provided on request. Please email christine.chung[at] if you would like to attend.

Location information:

Physical location:

Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne: 700 Collins St, Docklands. Please sign in at reception. The meeting will be in the Level 9 East meeting room.

VC locations:

CSIRO Aspendale: 107-121 Station Street, Aspendale (Cnr Robertson Parade). Short walk from Aspendale station or parking available. Please sign in at reception. The meeting will be in the lecture theatre.

CSIRO Hobart: Castray Esplanade, Battery Point. Please sign in at reception. The meeting will be in the Freycinet Room.

CSIRO Black Mountain: Building 101, Clunies Ross St, Black Mountain

UNSW: Level 4, Mathews Building (F23 on map)in the Climate Change Research Centre board room. Access via gate 11, but parking has to be paid for (top level of multi-storey, H25 on map). Public transport: there are express buses from Central Station but the new light rail system is making this hard.


Program for download/printing​

Time Name Title
9.30 Simon Marsland Welcome & introduction
9.45 Martin Dix ACCESS CMIP6 simulations
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10.05 Roger Bodman ACCESS-ESM1.5 - ScenarioMIP early results
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10.25 Scott Wales Finding CMIP datasets at NCI using Clef
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10.45 Morning tea - provided
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11.15 Ben Galton-Fenzi (remote) Coupled Ice sheet and ocean modeling
11.35 Siobhan O’Farrell Sea ice results in ACCESS CM2 and ACCESS ESM1.5 and links to SIMIP
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11.55 Damien Irving A Mass and Energy Conservation Analysis of Ocean Drift in the CMIP6 Global Coupled Models
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12.15 Lunch – not provided (see attached info)
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13.15 Arnold Sullivan The impact of the Indian Ocean and North Pacific in Austral-Asian Monsoon & ENSO in the ACCESS-CM2 piControl runs
13.35 Christine Chung The impact of the tropical Atlantic on tropical Pacific variability in ACCESS-CM2j
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13.55 Harun Rashid Tropical variability in ACCESS-CM2 simulations
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14.15 Afternoon tea - provided
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14.30 Francois Delage ENSO teleconnections to Australian rainfall in CMIP6
14.50 Sugata Narsey A first look at northern Australian rainfall in CMIP6
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15.10 Simon Marsland Open discussion
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16.00 Close
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Dialin details:

Please Connect using this Video address using Cisco Jabber or other SIP software: +61386381101@ Meeting PIN: 5135

Bureau of Meteorology Staff:

The VMR can be dialled via the last 4 digits of the full number eg. 1101. For internal BOM technical support please contact VC Support on (+61) 3 9616 8386 Or view the VMR Service Catalogue Help Page

External Collaborators:

This conference is reachable by Video using the contact details shown above on SIP and H323 video endpoints. If unsuccessful, alternative methods are [number]@ or[number] For international audio only or ISDN Video callers; dial Toll number +61386381101. For support please consult your internal Video Conferencing Helpdesk with the above details.
