ScienceDay2 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

ACCESS Science Day 2 - Friday 24th May, 2019=

An ACCESS science day is being planned for Friday 24th May, 2019 (9.30am-4.45pm), open to anyone who works with or is interested in the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS). The aim is to share current work with ACCESS and both science and technical presentations are welcome. To allow for maximum participation, presentations will be short (10 minutes, maximum 5 slides).

The meeting will be held by video conference across four sites:

  • Melbourne: CSIRO Aspendale
  • Hobart: CSIRO (Waterman Room)
  • Canberra: ANU (Hales room in Jaeger 7, RSES)
  • Sydney: UNSW (CCRC Board Room)

We strongly encourage you to attend in person at your nearest location (lunch provided). If this is not possible, video conference details can be provided on request.

If you are interested in attending, please mark the date in your diary and email Reception.Aspendale at by Tuesday May 21st with your name, institution and which venue you will be attending (so that we can organise catering).

If you would like to present, please email simon.marsland at by Tuesday May 14th with your name, institution and the title of your presentation.

A second notice will be distributed once the program has been prepared and to provide any venue specific information.

Location information

CSIRO Aspendale: 107-121 Station Street, Aspendale (Cnr Robertson Parade). Short walk from Aspendale station or parking available. Please sign in at reception. The meeting will be in the lecture theatre.

CSIRO Hobart: Castray Esplanade, Battery Point. Please sign in at reception. The meeting will be in the Derwent Room.

ANU: Hales Room, Building Jaeger 7 at RSES. Mills Road. The room is on the first floor. For access to the building, please call Claire Carouge (mobile number will be emailed to Canberra participants). See map: . Parking at ANU is horrendous and best avoided unless arriving before 9am. For the CSIRO people, the best option might be to park at CSIRO Black Mountain and walk. Public transport: 1 bus line comes into ANU: No.53. There are also lots of bus lines stopping at ANU outskirts, it’s about 15min walk to the building from these bus stops.

UNSW: Level 4, Mathews Building (F23 on map)in the Climate Change Research Centre board room. Access via gate 11, but parking has to be paid for (top level of multi-storey, H25 on map). Public transport: there are express buses from Central Station but the new light rail system is making this hard.


Program for download/printing

Time Name Title
9:30 Simon Marsland Welcome and commencing exactly on time
9:35 Gilbert Brunet BoM ACCESS priorities/directions.
9:45 Helen Cleugh World Climate Research Programme update
9:55 Ben Evans Update on NCI peak system, ESGF and other data infrastructure.
10:05 Martin Dix Current state of ACCESS-CM2 CMIP6 simulations.
10:15 Arnold Sullivan ACCESS-CM2 model results.
10:25 Harun Rashid ACCESS-CM2 climate variability and ENSO.
10:35 Roger Bodman ACCESS-CM2 AMIP simulations.
10:45 Simon Marsland CMIP6/IPCC-AR6 update
10:55 Discussion
11:05 Morning Tea
11:30 Andrew Kiss ACCESS-OM2: A Global Ocean-Sea Ice Model at Three Resolutions.
11:40 Kial Stewart Southern Ocean heat and momentum uptake are sensitive to the vertical resolution at the surface.
11:50 Fabio Dias On the superposition of mean advective and eddy-induced transports in global ocean heat and salt budgets
12:00 Ian Harman CABLE in ACCESS: Status and plans for JaC.
12:10 Pandora Hope, Abhik Santra and Guomin Wang Using ACCESS-S for 'pre-event’ attribution.
12:20 Matt Chamberlain Decadal Climate Project model development.
12:30 Vassili Kitsios Data driven stochastic parameterisation of the subgrid interactions between eddies, climate and topography in a baroclinic quasi-geostrophic atmospheric model.
12:40 Rachel Law ACCESS Community: Collaboration and Governance.
12:50 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Huqiang Zhang Tropic-extratropical teleconnection in UM/ACCESS: model evaluation and implication for regional projections.
14:10 Christine Chung The role of the South Pacific in modulating Tropical Pacific variability.
14:20 Charmaine Franklin Evaluation of the latest high resolution model configuration: Regional Atmosphere 2.
14:30 Hongyan Zhu Convection scheme improvement and development in the latest ACCESS models.
14:40 Chun-Hsu Su BARRA: A new high resolution weather data for Australia.
14:50 Harvey Ye Coupling ACCESS to an empirical fire model.
15:00 Ashok Luhar Improving tropospheric ozone in ACCESS-UKCA.
15:10 Break
15:20 Tilo Ziehn ACCESS-ESM: Australia's Earth System Model and CMIP6.
15:30 Matt Chamberlain ACCESS-ESM1.5: Pre-industrial control run.
15:40 Roger Bodman ACCESS-ESM1.5: Historical simulations.
15:50 Tilo Ziehn ACCESS-ESM1.5: C4MIP and CDRMIP.
16:00 Laurie Menviel Current (LIG) and planned simulations with ACCESS.
16:05 Andrew Lenton "ACCESS-ESM Vision and needs for Australia."
16:15 Discussion
16:30 Drinks - Aspendale

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