ReleaseProposal_GA6_N96_UM10.2 - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

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# GA6 N96 UM10.2

## Configuration Information

[TicketQuery(id=252, format=table)](/ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive/wiki/TicketQuery(id=252,-format=table))

 Rose Job::  
 Release Type::


    *Describe the configuration, who created it and who would find it useful*

    The Met Office's official GA6 release for atmosphere-only N96 resolution at UM10.2, modified to run on 
    Raijin by ARCCSS CMS. 

    Based on the Met Office internal job GA:wiki:GAJobs/mi-ag338, modifications include:
      * Cylc suite modified for Raijin's PBS queue
      * Build settings changed to `nci-x86-ifort`
      * Met Office internal paths changed to point to TIDS mirror
      * Postprocessing task disabled (uses Met Office specific archive system)

    More information about GA6 may be found on the Met Office trac: GA:wiki:GADocumentation/GA6.0

 Run Instructions::

    *Describe how to run the model at NCI*

    On Accessdev:
    rosie checkout u-aa809
    cd ~/roses/u-aa908
    rose suite-run

    Model will run for 20.5 model years, resubmitting every 1 model month

  * [./ReleaseReview](

## Model versions and resolutions

 *Describe the component model versions used and their configurations*


   UM 10.2 with Met Office branches

   N96 Global Resolution, 85 Levels


   JULES 10.2 / GL 6.0

   N96 Global Resolution, 4 Levels


 Sea Ice::


## Input Data

  *Where are the input files used by the model, and are they accessible to all ACCESS users?*

Ancillary and initial condition data are sourced from TIDS, no local files are used

## Output Data

  *Where does the model put its output, and how much does it generate?*

Data is in raijin:~/cylc-run/u-aa809/share/data/History_Data

 * Dumps: 2.4 GB every 10 model days
 * Processed: 4 GB per model month
  * PA   1 GB
  * PB  80 MB
  * PC 500 MB
  * PD 500 MB
  * PE 700 MB
  * PF  50 MB
  * PG 150 MB
  * PH  10 MB
  * PI   1 MB
  * PJ  40 MB
  * PK  60 MB
  * PM 800 MB
 * Seasonal: 2 GB per model month

## Instructions for Testing

  *How should this model be modified for testing? Tests should require minimal resources but still show the model's full behaviour - e.g. how do you reduce the run length to 2 cycles*

Set the value of `RUN_LENGTH` in file `rose_suite.conf` to `P2M` to run for two Cylc cycles (in the GUI go to 'suite conf' => 'Initialisation and Cycling' : 'Total Run Length')

## Performance

  *How does the model perform on the NCI systems? Units should be modified as appropriate, e.g. per model hour for NWP runs*

|# NCPUs|# E-W|# N-S|# Walltime per Model Month|# SU per Model Month|# Memory|# Notes|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 128     | 16    | 8     | 1:00:00                    | 128                  | 10 GB    | Default configuration |
| 128     | 8     | 16    | 1:00:00                    | 128                  | 10 GB    | atmos_pe test job |

## How to Cite

  *How should users of the configuration cite this work?*

D.N. Walters et al., *"The Met Office Unified Model Global Atmosphere 6.0/6.1 and JULES Global Land 6.0/6.1 configurations"*, in preparation. 
