Raijin Apps - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki



ACCESS supports a number of climate-science related programs and libraries on Raijin that we make available to the community.

To make use of these modules you'll first need to run

module use ~access/modules

If you make regular use of the modules you can also add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc file.

For help with using these libraries at NCI, or to request a library be added, email [email protected]


Anaconda is available on Raijin, Accessdev and the Virtual Desktops using

module use /g/data3/hh5/public/modules
module load conda/analysis3

The analysis3 and analysis27 environments have a wide selection of climate-science related libraries, more can be requested by emailing the helpdesk.

User Guides/conda

Pythonlib Modules

The base Python module at NCI comes with Numpy and Scipy. We also have the following libraries available, which can be loaded using

module use ~access/modules
module load pythonlib/<packagename>

(replace <packagename> with the name of the package you wish to load from the list below)

Loading multiple libraries at once using modules can cause dependency issues, we recommend using the Anaconda environments.


  • basemap -- Plot data on map projections with matplotlib
  • cartopy -- A library providing cartographic tools for python
  • cdat-lite -- Core components of the Climate Data Analysis tools
  • iris -- A Python library for Meteorology and Climatology
  • PIL -- Python Imaging Library
  • Shapely -- Geometric objects, predicates, and operations
  • pyshp -- Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format

Scientific coding

  • Biggus -- Virtual large arrays and lazy evaluation
  • ScientificPython -- Various Python modules for scientific computing
  • netCDF4 -- python/numpy interface to netCDF library
  • numpy -- NumPy: array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
  • pandas -- Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series,and statistics
  • umfile_utils
  • bufr-metadb bufr-transform -- Generic BUFR file reader written in python. File support is similar to the ECMWF BUFR library.
  • cmor -- Climate Model Output Rewriter
  • drslib -- A library for processing the CMIP5 Data Reference Syntax
  • f90nml -- Fortran 90 namelist parser
  • python-bufr -- Generic Python BUFR file reader based on the ECMWF BUFR library
  • payu -- A climate model workflow manager for supercomputing environments.
  • h5py -- Read and write HDF5 files from Python
  • pygrib -- Read and write GRIB files (edition 1 and 2)

Other coding

Other Packages

module use ~access/modules
module load <packagename>

(replace <packagename> with the name of the package you wish to load from the list below)

  • bufrdc
  • cap
  • cawcr-utils
  • cylc
  • drhook
  • dummygrib
  • emos340emailling
  • fcm
  • gapi199
  • gcom
  • geos
  • grib-api
  • jasper
  • libmo_unpack
  • libpng
  • magics++
  • magics2
  • mars
  • metview
  • mysql
  • mysql5.1
  • ncas-utils
  • nmoc-utils
  • oasis3
  • oasis3-mct
  • odb
  • openjpeg
  • PFunit Parallel Unit Testing for Fortran
  • pspline
  • py_utils
  • pythonlib
  • rose
  • sidl
  • sms
  • verify
  • xxdiff
  • zlib