FriProg - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

Program - Friday 11th June

Time Name Title
10:15 Coffee
Session 4: Numerical Weather Prediction
10:30 Welcome
10:35 Stuart Moore Keynote: NIWA updates
10:50 Monika Krysta Australia's National Analysis System (NAS)
11:00 Jin Lee A testbed for convective-scale NWP and its application in moisture analysis
11:10 Chun-Hsu Su Towards enhanced ACCESS-based regional atmospheric reanalysis for Australia
11:20 Stefan Zieger Verification of ACCESS surface winds for wave modelling
11:30 Chris Bridge A first look at solar irradiance forecasts from the Bureau's ACCESS NWP model suite
11:40 Nandun Thellamurege Using METPlus for verification of ACCESS-C3 forecasts
11:50 Belinda Roux Preliminary evaluation of the new UM high-resolution configuration RAL3
12:00 Lunch
Session 5: Chemistry, Regional, and Next Generation Modelling
13:00 Gather/messages
13:05 Michael Grose Keynote: CMIP6 climate sensitivities and implications for projections
13:20 Ashok Luhar Improved parameterisations of lightning-produced NOx and their impact on tropospheric composition in ACCESS-UKCA
13:30 Sonya Fiddes Aerosol & cloud modelling over the Southern Ocean in ACCESS-AM2
13:40 Terry O'Kane On the Semiannual Formation of Large Scale Three-Dimensional Vortices at the Stratopause
13:50 Harvey Ye BARPA for climate projections in Australia
14:00 Christian Stassen Development and assessment of regional atmospheric nudging in ACCESS
14:10 Dave Lee Structure preserving methods in non-hydrostatic atmospheric modelling using mixed finite elements
14:20 Joerg Henrichs Using PSyclone in Next Gen Model Development
14:30 Afternoon break
Session 6: Land Modelling
14:55 Richard Coleman Keynote: ACCESS-NRI Overview
15:10 Huqiang Zhang River routing in ACCESS-G: preliminary results and future opportunities
15:20 Chiara Holgate Land-atmosphere coupling in BARPA
15:30 Ian Harman CABLE in ACCESS-CM2: a closer look
15:40 Mengyuan Mu [Exploring how groundwater buffers the influence of heatwaves on vegetation function during multi-year droughts]( Mu.pptx)
15:50 Jatin Kala Crop albedo enhancement reduces the intensity of heatwaves under future climate
16:00 Finish
