Development_Trac Tickets - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki

Trac Tickets

The Trac ticketing system is designed to help programmers keep track of issues with their code and to help guide development by prioritizing bugs and new features. On Accessdev our Trac system covers multiple systems - from the Accessdev server itself to Rose job configurations and the ACCESS model itself.

Creating Tickets

To create a ticket go to the [/newticket 'New Ticket'] link on the top right menu bar. There are a number of sections you can fill in here to help the developers:

  • Summary: A one-sentance summary of the issue
  • Description: A more detailed description of what you're requesting. If you're submitting a bug tell us what the error was as well as how that differs from what you expected to get. If you're submitting a feature request let us know how the feature will help researchers and any information that might help us implement it, for instance examples of other software doing similar things.
  • Component: Which part of the ACCESS system the issue relates to, for instance a Rose job
  • Cc: Any other people that you'd like kept up to date on the issue. Note that we're only able to send email to NCI users at the moment, enter their NCI usernames here.

Getting Notified

We maintain a mailing list for developers using the Trac site so that they get emails when new bugs are created. To request membership just submit a [/newticket new Trac ticket].