CreateODB_update - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki



Problem Summary

OPS bufr decode throw away the rest obs in the bufr file if a bad obs is found.

ObsType Bufr ODB
AIRS 88515 8750
IASI 16200 2490
ATOVS 810208 57232
ATMS 86400 71392
GPSRO 586 217


  • These types appear to work correctly in OPS otherwise (See detail below).
  • Obs Types are being disabled: CrIS,WindSat,MTsatClear.
  • Aircraft (ASDAR) appears to have higher rejection rate, maybe something is wrong with ODB.
  • AMV is still to be checked.


1. Aircraft

  • I do not think the difference in obs number is due to createodb.
  • Need to look at bufr source.
  • However asdar in APS3 the rejection rate is higher.

     Total number of AIREPS           =     3196
     Total number of AMDARS           =   218274
     Total ODB Aircraft obs           =   221470

     2015  4 28  0  Aircraft         221470 obs 
    AIREPS          3196 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                     694 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                      18 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     t             2501    2441       5 (  0.2%)       6 (  0.2%)      25 (  1.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     u             2499    2238       8 (  0.4%)       8 (  0.4%)      19 (  0.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
     v             2499    2238       8 (  0.4%)       8 (  0.4%)      19 (  0.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
    ASDAR         218274 observations
                      16 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                  195049 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                     277 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     t            23209   23077       2 (  0.0%)      10 (  0.0%)     426 (  1.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
     u            23177   23026      40 (  0.2%)      76 (  0.3%)     455 (  2.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     v            23177   23026      40 (  0.2%)      76 (  0.3%)     455 (  2.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs Aircraft obs        =    25416

Total number of AIREPS           =     3196
 Total number of AMDARS           =   221935
 Total ODB Aircraft obs           =   225131

 2015  4 28  0  Aircraft         225131 obs

AIREPS          3196 observations
                   0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                 694 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                  18 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 t             2501    2427       5 (  0.2%)       6 (  0.2%)      25 (  1.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 u             2499    2335       8 (  0.3%)       8 (  0.3%)      19 (  0.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
 v             2499    2335       8 (  0.3%)       8 (  0.3%)      19 (  0.8%)       0 (  0.0%)

ASDAR         221935 observations
                  95 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
              194849 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                6082 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 t            26991   26907       0 (  0.0%)       7 (  0.0%)    6171 ( 22.9%)       0 (  0.0%)
 u            26946   26606      31 (  0.1%)      68 (  0.3%)    6176 ( 23.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
 v            26946   26606      31 (  0.1%)      68 (  0.3%)    6176 ( 23.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
   The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
 "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
 Total Varobs Aircraft obs        =    23393

2. Sonde

     Total number of TEMP             =      638
     Total number of PILOT            =      255
     Total number of DROPSOND         =        0
     Total number of WINPRO           =     2633
     Total ODB Sonde obs              =     3526

     2015  4 28  0  Sonde              3526 obs 
    SONDES           893 observations
                       4 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                     170 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     t            34025   31040      26 (  0.1%)      22 (  0.1%)      22 (  0.1%)       0 (  0.0%)
     u            36238   33959      44 (  0.1%)      11 (  0.0%)      11 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     v            36238   33959      44 (  0.1%)      11 (  0.0%)      11 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     rh           28230   21293     247 (  1.2%)      98 (  0.5%)    1655 (  7.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
    PROFILER        2633 observations
                     859 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                    1369 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     u             3220    1705       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     v             3220    1705       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs Sonde obs           =     1124

Total number of PILOT            =      255
Total number of WINPRO           =     2643
Total number of TEMP             =      638
Total ODB Sonde obs              =     3536

SONDES           893 observations
                   4 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                 165 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
t            34348   33153      21 (  0.1%)      24 (  0.1%)      24 (  0.1%)       0 (  0.0%)
u            36469   34980      38 (  0.1%)      11 (  0.0%)      11 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
v            36469   34980      38 (  0.1%)      11 (  0.0%)      11 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
rh           28563   22712     321 (  1.4%)     123 (  0.5%)     679 (  3.0%)       0 (  0.0%)

PROFILER        2643 observations
                 873 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                1323 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
u             4463    2501      12 (  0.5%)       4 (  0.2%)       4 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
v             4463    2501      12 (  0.5%)       4 (  0.2%)       4 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
   The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
"rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
Total Varobs Sonde obs           =     1171


  • Need to know why there is such a big difference in obs number? Again, maybe due to how bufr is constructed.
APS2: Total number of AIRSWF           =    88482
     2015  4 28  0  AIRS              88482 obs 
    AIRS           88482 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   59412 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   18309 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     t           579382       0
     rh          350324       0
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs AIRS obs            =    10761

APS3: Total number of AIRSWF          =     8750 (bufr file has 88515 obs)
 2015  4 28  0  AIRS               8750 obs

AIRS            8750 observations
                   0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                5482 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                1995 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 t            59297       0
 rh           35854       0
   The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
 "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
 Total Varobs AIRS obs            =     1273


APS2: Total ODB GPSRO obs              =      586
    GPSRO            586 observations
                      91 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                       0 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs GPSRO obs           =      495

APS3:   Total BUFR Dir GPSRO obs         =      217   (bufr file has 586 obs)
 2015  4 28  0  GPSRO               217 obs 

GPSRO            217 observations
                 144 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   0 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
   The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
 "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
 Total Varobs GPSRO obs           =       73

5. scat wind

APS2: Total number of ASCAT            =   241920
     2015  4 28  0  Scatwind         241920 obs 
    SCAT          241920 observations
                  111157 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   97025 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   21879 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     u10alias     62195   62195     174 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)   37210 ( 59.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
     v10alias     62195   62195     174 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)   37210 ( 59.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs Scatwind obs        =    11859

APS3: Total BUFR Dir Scatwind obs      =   241920
 2015  4 28  0  Scatwind         241920 obs 

SCAT          241920 observations
              108553 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
               98236 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
               23306 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 u10alias     64078   64078     130 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)   39155 ( 61.1%)       0 (  0.0%)
 v10alias     64078   64078     130 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)   39155 ( 61.1%)       0 (  0.0%)
   The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
 "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
 Total Varobs Scatwind obs        =    11825

6. CrIS

APS2:  Total ODB CrIS obs               =    78810

     2015  4 28  0  CrIS              78810 obs 
    CrIS           78810 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   35162 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   33981 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     t           424797       0
     rh          256854       0
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs CrIS obs            =     9667
APS3: disabled in create ODB


APS2: Total ODB ATMS obs               =    85440
     2015  4 28  0  ATMS              85440 obs 
    ATMS           85440 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   63163 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                    4597 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     t           760240       0
     rh          459680       0
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs ATMS obs            =    17680
APS3: Total BUFR Dir ATMS obs          =    71392   (bufr file has 86400 obs)

 2015  4 28  0  ATMS              71392 obs

ATMS           71392 observations
                   0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
               53184 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                3831 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 t           618297       0
 rh          373854       0
   The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
 "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
 Total Varobs ATMS obs            =    14377

8. MtSatClear

APS2: Total ODB MTSATClear obs         =    21204

     2015  4 28  0  MTSATClear        21204 obs 
    MTSATIm        21204 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                    6963 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                    5485 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     t           376508       0
     rh          227656       0
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs MTSATClear obs      =     8756

APS3: Disabled in OPS32  (20678 obs in bufr)


  • Same problem as for AIRS?
APS2: Total ODB IASI obs               =   162000
     2015  4 28  0  IASI             162000 obs 
    IASI          162000 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   79512 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   65338 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     t           791028       0
     rh          478296       0
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
     Total Varobs IASI obs            =    17150

APS3: Total BUFR Dir IASI obs          =     2490 (bufr has 16200 obs)
2015  4 28  0  IASI               2490 obs

IASI            2490 observations
                 920 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   0 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
t            67510       0
rh           40820       0
  The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
"rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
Total Varobs IASI obs            =     1570


]} APS2: Total ODB ATOVS obs = 766278 (Include MtOp2) Ops_QcStats 2015 4 28 0 ATOVS 766278 obs

ATOVS         766278 observations
                   0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
              642410 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
               76072 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 t          2061420       0
 rh         1246440       0
   The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
 "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
 Total Varobs ATOVS obs           =    47796

APS3: Total BUFR Dir ATOVS obs = 57232 (810208 obs in bufr file)

Do not have Mtop2 obs Ops_QcStats 2015 4 28 0 ATOVS 57232 obs

ATOVS 57232 observations 0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below. 38689 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below. 14033 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

Element rep usable background buddy final no-assim t 195220 0 rh 118040 0 The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag. "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.

Total Varobs ATOVS obs = 4510


12. SatWind

     QS00 28/04/2015
     Total number of ESACMW           =    34403
     Total number of JMAWINDS         =    93426
     Total number of MSGWINDS         =   172833
     Total number of GOESBUFR         =   342473
     Total ODB Satwind obs            =   643135
     Total Varobs Satwind obs         =    15678
Total number of MODIS            =        0
 Total number of JMAWINDS         =    93421
 Total number of MSGWINDS         =   172833
 Total number of ESACMW           =    34403
 Total number of GOESBUFR         =   342473
 Total BUFR Dir Satwind obs       =   643130

But obs in ODB are incorrect.

13. Surface: SHIP has problem in CreateODB

     QS00 28/04/2015
     Total number of LNDSYN           =    23762
     Total number of SHPSYN           =     4112
     Total number of BUOY             =     9157
     Total number of METARS           =     8450
     Total ODB Surface obs            =    45481
     2015  4 28  0  Surface           45481 obs 
    SYNOPS         23752 observations
                       2 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                     680 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     Pstar        20359   19834      76 (  0.4%)     138 (  0.7%)     154 (  0.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
     Pstation     19136   18747     108 (  0.6%)       0 (  0.0%)     148 (  0.8%)       0 (  0.0%)
     Pstandard     1513    1513      26 (  1.7%)       0 (  0.0%)      54 (  3.6%)       0 (  0.0%)
     Pmsl         18489   17385      21 (  0.1%)       0 (  0.0%)      21 (  0.1%)       0 (  0.0%)
     t2           22648   20209      22 (  0.1%)      52 (  0.3%)      58 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)
     rh2          22199   20401     222 (  1.1%)     206 (  1.0%)     206 (  1.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     u10          22267   19115      15 (  0.1%)      32 (  0.2%)      34 (  0.2%)    3112 ( 16.3%)
     v10          22267   19115      15 (  0.1%)      32 (  0.2%)      34 (  0.2%)    3112 ( 16.3%)
     logvis       13653       0
    METARS          8018 observations
                    8018 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                       0 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
    SHIPS           1316 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                       8 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     Pstar         1209    1192      28 (  2.3%)      52 (  4.4%)      53 (  4.4%)       0 (  0.0%)
     Pmsl          1209    1192      28 (  2.3%)       0 (  0.0%)      28 (  2.3%)       0 (  0.0%)
     t2            1167    1132       5 (  0.4%)      12 (  1.1%)      12 (  1.1%)       0 (  0.0%)
     rh2            944     854       8 (  0.9%)      10 (  1.2%)      10 (  1.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
     u10            984     979      11 (  1.1%)      15 (  1.5%)      16 (  1.6%)       0 (  0.0%)
     v10            984     979      11 (  1.1%)      15 (  1.5%)      16 (  1.6%)       0 (  0.0%)
     logvis         388       0
    DRIFTERS        8439 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                    1254 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     Pstar         4386    4360      13 (  0.3%)      16 (  0.4%)      17 (  0.4%)       0 (  0.0%)
     Pmsl          4386    4360      13 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)      13 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)
     t2              80       0
     rh2              5       0
     u10              5       0
     v10              5       0
    BUOY            2864 observations
                       5 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                     922 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     Pstar         1092    1086       0 (  0.0%)       5 (  0.5%)       5 (  0.5%)       0 (  0.0%)
     Pmsl          1092    1086       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     t2            1381    1364       0 (  0.0%)       1 (  0.1%)       1 (  0.1%)       0 (  0.0%)
     rh2            781     766       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     u10           1338    1307       1 (  0.1%)       4 (  0.3%)       4 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)
     v10           1338    1307       1 (  0.1%)       4 (  0.3%)       4 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)
     logvis          39       0
    PLAT/RIGG        650 observations
                       0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                       2 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
     Pstar          493     493       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     Pmsl           493     493       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     t2             538     538       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     rh2            495     483       2 (  0.4%)       2 (  0.4%)       2 (  0.4%)       0 (  0.0%)
     u10            322     322       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     v10            322     322       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
     logvis         413       0
    SurfaceCloud      10 observations
                      8 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                       0 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
    DREGS            432 observations
                     432 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                       0 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                       0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.
     Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
       The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
     "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.

Total Varobs Surface obs         =    34150


Total number of LNDSYN           =    23762
 Total number of SHPSYN           =     4112
 Total number of BUOY             =     9157
 Total number of METARS           =     8450
 Total ODB Surface obs            =    45481

 2015  4 28  0  Surface           45481 obs

SYNOPS         23762 observations
                   2 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                 680 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 Pstar        20324   19835      51 (  0.3%)     126 (  0.6%)     134 (  0.7%)       0 (  0.0%)
 Pstation     19136   18860      87 (  0.5%)       0 (  0.0%)     127 (  0.7%)       0 (  0.0%)
 Pmsl         18489   17802      22 (  0.1%)       0 (  0.0%)      22 (  0.1%)       0 (  0.0%)
 t2           22648   20898      14 (  0.1%)      40 (  0.2%)      46 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
 rh2          22199   20587     224 (  1.1%)     183 (  0.9%)     183 (  0.9%)       0 (  0.0%)
 u10          22267   19661      16 (  0.1%)      34 (  0.2%)      36 (  0.2%)    3213 ( 16.3%)
 v10          22267   19661      16 (  0.1%)      34 (  0.2%)      36 (  0.2%)    3213 ( 16.3%)
 logvis       13653       0

METARS          8450 observations
                8450 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   0 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
SHIPS           1316 observations
                   0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   8 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 Pstar         1209    1181      12 (  1.0%)      16 (  1.4%)      17 (  1.4%)       0 (  0.0%)
 Pmsl          1209    1181      12 (  1.0%)       0 (  0.0%)      12 (  1.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 t2            1167    1121       4 (  0.4%)       7 (  0.6%)       7 (  0.6%)       0 (  0.0%)
 rh2            944     857       1 (  0.1%)       2 (  0.2%)       2 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
 u10            984     963       9 (  0.9%)      11 (  1.1%)      12 (  1.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
 v10            984     963       9 (  0.9%)      11 (  1.1%)      12 (  1.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
 logvis         388       0

DRIFTERS        8439 observations
                   0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                1254 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 Pstar         4386    4352       7 (  0.2%)       8 (  0.2%)       9 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
 Pmsl          4386    4352       7 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)       7 (  0.2%)       0 (  0.0%)
 t2              80       0
 rh2             80       0
 u10              5       0
 v10              5       0

BUOY            2864 observations
                   5 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                 922 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 Pstar         1092    1091       0 (  0.0%)       4 (  0.4%)       4 (  0.4%)       0 (  0.0%)
 Pmsl          1092    1091       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 t2            1381    1361       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 rh2            895     872     462 ( 53.0%)     456 ( 52.3%)     462 ( 53.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 u10           1338    1298       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 v10           1338    1298       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 logvis          39       0

PLAT/RIGG        650 observations
                   0 had prior reject of whole report and are not included below.
                   2 were surplus (near-duplicate) reports and are not included below.
                   0 had other reject of whole report, they are included below.

 Element        rep  usable   background       buddy            final            no-assim
 Pstar          493     493       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 Pmsl           493     493       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 t2             538     532       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 rh2            495     489       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)       0 (  0.0%)
 u10            322     317       0 (  0.0%)       1 (  0.3%)       1 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)
 v10            322     317       0 (  0.0%)       1 (  0.3%)       1 (  0.3%)       0 (  0.0%)
 logvis         413       0
   The usable reports are those without a prior reject flag.
 "rep" = number reported, other columns only include "usable" observations.
 Total Varobs Surface obs         =    34158
