AccessResearchLeadersGroup_2015_05_Actions - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki


1 May 2015, 9.30 – 13.00 Aspendale

Present: Hirst (meeting chair), Jakob (co-chair), Puri (co-chair), Alves, Brassington, Carouge, Dietachmayer, Dix, Hogg, Law, Luhar, Marsland, Naughton, Wales

Key points and actions

Terms of reference:

  • Action: Consider an additional ToR for the RLG to cover long-term planning. Take agreed additional ToR to the AAG for ratification (lead Hirst, Jacob, Kamal)

Web site:

Agreement that development of a good ACCESS web site is a high priority. Two levels – (1) internal including technical and (2) for general public. ARCCSS would find (1) particularly useful to help orient new students and post-docs. Effective public communication requires (2). Propose interim location on the NCI site. Topic to be discussed in detail at a future ACCESS RLG meeting, but make initial start sooner.

  • Action: Set up interim wiki page for the ACCESS RLG (Naughton).
  • Action completed:
  • Action: ARCCSS to investigate some funding to help get an ACCESS web site started (Jacob).
  • Action: Discuss ACCESS web site at NCI with NCI and CSIRO Comms., and consider further steps to get the initial start under way (Hirst, ?)

Model release plan:

  • Action: Prepare a 2-page joint plan for model release strategy (Naughton, Wales, Dix, Law)

  • Action: Produce template for the joint plan, and support preparation of joint plan from strategic angle (Hirst, Jakob, Puri)

  • Action: Share the plan for testing CABLE in ACCESS-CM2 (Law).

  • Action completed:

Next meeting:

Agreement that we need to meet initially more often than three times a year. Propose next meeting to be a full day meeting – each RGL member to present a few slides on status and plans for their area, then have a strategic discussion. Meeting to be at Bureau.

  • Action: Check on room availability and make provisional booking (Naughton). Action completed: 6th floors rooms are largely available for most of July at present, provisional booking made for 3 July (Rooms 6.1 and 6.2).
  • Action: Set up doodle poll for availability in July, and rebook if required (??)