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ACCESS Research Leaders Group Terms of Reference

The ACCESS Research Leaders Group (RLG) will consist of a selection of team leaders from each of CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Climate Systems Science who are actively involved in research on aspects of the ACCESS system. The RLG will be led by a group of three senior researchers, one from each member institution, who will also sit on the ACCESS Advisory Group (AAG).

Membership of the RLG will be limited to about 10 team leaders, selected by the senior members to be representative of the areas of atmospheric, ocean and land-surface modelling, coupling, and infrastructure, and applications to NWP, intermediate timescales and climate.

The RLG will report to the AAG, and will be a forum in which progress on ACCESS development can be shared. In particular, RLG members will:

  • Report to the RLG meetings on their team’s research and research plans;
  • Keep one another informed of activities and developments likely to affect the broad ACCESS research community;
  • Decide on the nature, timing and announcement of model releases
  • Explore opportunities for collaboration through the sharing of skills, experience and advice;
  • Explore opportunities for collaboration through joint project development;
  • Seek to avoid duplication and enhance synergies between projects;
  • Help to maximise the impact of research by providing cross-institutional perspective, particularly in the planning phase;
  • Share information on threats and opportunities in resourcing and infrastructure, including high-performance computing.
  • Discuss the implications of management and resourcing decisions;
  • Identify areas of real or potential disagreement between individuals or teams, and refer them to the AAG if they are not resolved;
  • Provide advice and information, as appropriate and as requested, to the AAG;
  • Report, through the senior members, to each AAG meeting on issues that require cross-institutional management awareness or resolution.

The RLG will nominally meet 3 times per year, with one longer meeting to serve as a forum for research results. Chairmanship of the meetings will rotate, as agreed, between the 3 senior members. There will be a call for agenda items before each meeting agenda is finalised and circulated.
