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Getting Started with ACCESS-CM2 and ACCESS-ESM1.5 Webinar, Tuesday October 20th, 2020, 11:00-12:30

This webinar presents getting started information for use of the ACCESS CMIP6 Models along with an overview of completed runs and published datasets. These are the model suites produced through the NESP ESCC Hub Projects 2.1 “Preparing ACCESS for CMIP6” and 5.1 “ACCESS Evaluation and Application”. Please feel free to distribute to interested parties. This session will be recorded and available on request.

Agenda (approx. times flexible to accommodate questions throughout):

11:00-11:05 Welcome: Simon Marsland

11:05-11:35 Getting Started with ACCESS-CM2: Martin Dix

11:35-12:05 Getting Started with ACCESS-ESM1.5: Tilo Ziehn and Holger Wolff

12:05-12:20 ACCESS CMIP6 Datasets overview: Chloe Mackallah

12:20-12:30 Additional Q&A: All

The slides and a video of the webinar are available at the NESP ESCC Project 5.1 page.

Contact: [email protected]
