Guide to install flake8 - AAU-Dat/P5-Nonlinear-Dimensionality-Reduction GitHub Wiki

#How to install and use Flake8?

You can install flake8 and its extensions with pip or pipx:

$ pip install flake8
# Or even better
$ pipx install flake8

# Install extensions
# These commands install formatters for imports and docstrings
$ pip install flake8-docstrings flake8-isort
# Or 
$ pipx inject flake8 flake8-docstrings flake8-isort

And then run it on files or directories that you want to check:

$ flake8 my_project
my_project/ E501 line too long (103 > 79 characters)
my_project/tests/ F401 'my_project.some_function' imported but unused
my_project/my_project/ F821 undefined name 'my_var'

Of course, the best way to use Flake8 is to enable is directly in your code editor. VS Code will offer you this option when you open a Python file, but if it doesn’t, run the Python: Select Linter command from the command pallet (ctrl + shit + p generally).

Review addition. The following command installs the pip packages in one line:

pip install -U flake8 flake8-docstrings flake8-isort