Weight Concept1(Harsh) Concept2(Ganesh) Concept3(Nandish) Concept4(Monika) Concept5(Sanjana)
safety 10 0 Datum 0 0 0
Ease of use 8 - Datum - - +
Portability 9 - Datum - 0 +
Usage of standard parts 5 + Datum + + +
Cost 3 + Datum -- ++ ++
No of threads to be braided 6 - Datum + - +
Aesthetically pleasing 4 + Datum + - +
Maintenance 3 - Datum -- -- +
Space 2 0 Datum -- 0 0
Installation 1 - Datum -- - -
Score+   12 0 15 6 41
Score-   -27 0 -35 -25  -1
Total   -15 0 -20 -19 40
Design No. Objective Score allocated Justification for the score
1 Safety 0 The safety is less compared to datum
  Ease of use - usage is a little complicated
  Portability - less compared to datum
  Usage of standard parts + Standard parts are used in making
  Cost + it is cost efficient as per our budget.
  No of threads to be braided 0 number of threads that can be braided is similar to the datum.
  Aesthetically pleasing + the design makes it aesthetically pleasing
  Maintenance -- maintenance is complicated compared to datum
  Space 0 Almost similar to datum
  Installation + takes less time in installing than compared to datum.
2 Safety Datum As referance
  Ease of use Datum As referance
  Portability Datum As referance
  Usage of standard parts Datum As referance
  Cost Datum As referance
  No of threads to be braided Datum As referance
  Aesthetically pleasing Datum As referance
  Maintenance Datum As referance
  Space Datum As referance
  Installation Datum As referance
3 Safety 0 saftey is similar to that of the datum.
  Ease of use -- very complicated to use as compared to the datum.
  Portability -- as it is a large model/machine , it is very diificult to move it compared to the datum.
  Usage of standard parts + uses high standard parts.
  Cost - costs more compared to datum.
  No of threads to be braided + braids ample amount threads
  Aesthetically pleasing + looks pleasing
  Maintenance - takes more efforts compared to datum
  Space -- need large amount of space.
  Installation - installimg the machine takes more time
4 Safety 0 similar to datum
  Ease of use - Uses more energy
  Portability 0 similar to datum.
  Usage of standard parts + uses better quality products
  Cost + the parts used costs less compared to the datum.
  No of threads to be braided 0 braids equal number of threads compared to datum.
  Aesthetically pleasing - less pleasing to the user
  Maintenance + maintenance is feasible than datum.
  Space 0 accomodates same space as of datum.
  Installation - not as per referance
5 Safety 0 similar to datum
  Ease of use - semiautomated,but not as efficint as datum.
  Portability 0 similar to datum.
  Usage of standard parts + uses good products
  Cost + costs less to make the product
  No of threads to be braided 0 similar to datum.
  Aesthetically pleasing + looks better and braids easily
  Maintenance - maintening the machine is complicated
  Space + accomodates less space compared to datum
  Installation - complicated to install the machine



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