5. Concept Selection and Product architecture - A-Division-2021-2022-Odd/Repo-04 GitHub Wiki

5.1 Assign weights to the objectives

sl.no Objectives Weights
1 It must be elephant bot 5
2 It must be kinetic bot 4
3 It must be attractive 3
4 It must be compact 1
5 It must be user friendly 2

5.2 PUGH Chart

Design Objectives Weights Linkage Gear Pin joint Rocker Mechanism
It must be elephant bot 5 ++ + ++ +
It must be user friendly 2 0 -- 0 0
It must be kinetic Bot 4 ++ ++ ++ +
It must be attractive 3 0 0 0 0
It must be compact 1 + + + +
score{+} 19 14 19 10
Score{-} 0 -2 0 0
Total 19 12 19 10

5.3 Justification for the scores given

sl.no Design Name Objective Score Allocated Justification for the score
1 Linkage Mechanism It must be elephant bot 10 To design the elephant bot to join the parts the linkage mechanism is useful
It must be user friendly 0 Here there is no usage of linkage mechanism
It must be kinetic bot 8 To movement of our bot there is use of link between two parts. The links are done by linkage mechanism
It must be attractive 0 In this objective there no use of linkage mechanism
It must be compact 1 use of small links it can be compact
2 Gear It must be elephant bot 5 By using gears it will most appealing elephant
It must be user friendly -4 For this objective there no use of gears
It must be kinetic bot 4 for movement of bot there is usage of gear which make it perfect
It must be attractive 0 No usage of gears
It must be compact 1 Use of some small and efficient gears can make it a little compact
3 Pin Joint It must be elephant bot 10 To get perfect design of elephant we will use pin joint
It must be user friendly 0 For user friendly there is no use of pin Joint
It must be kinetic bot 8 For movement/kinetic elephant there more use of pin joints foe example in movement of legs the pin joint is used
It must be attractive 0 For this objective there is use of pin joint
It must be compact 1 Use of pin joint for joining small parts in compact elephant
4 Rocker Mechanism It must be elephant bot 10 In elephant bot the rocker mechanism is used for movement of tail
It must be user friendly 0 Here there is no use of 4-bar gears
It must be kinetic bot 4 There is a use of 4-bar gears for the movement mechanism
It must be attractive 0 Here there is no use of 4-bar gears
It must be compact 0 Here there is no use of 4-bar gears

5.4 Selection Design- Linkage Mechanism

5.5 Subsystem List

sl.no Subsystem List
1 Moving unit
2 Interactive Unit
3 Indicating Unit
4 Casing

Subsystem chart