Role Config - 61st/missions GitHub Wiki

class roleClassname { //this class is used when defining which roles are in what group

    //this is the name of the role as shown in the menu,
    name = "Example Role"; 

    //this is the description of the role shown in the menu, can be plain string or found in stringtable
    description =”Example;

    //these are specific traits to the unit in the following format {"trait",value,isCustom}}, more information here:
    traits[] = {
        {"Medic",true} // vanilla traits will not set ace abilities, but are required 
    //these variables are set on the player object once the role is taken in format {"variable",value,global}
    //you only need to add the ones that apply, Example, if a role is not a medic then it does not need ace_medical_medicClass
    customVariables[] = { 
        {"YMF_iscom", true, true}, // variable to access Simplex 
        {"draWhitelisted",TRUE,TRUE}, // variable to access Drongo air and arty if used
        {"ace_medical_medicClass",2,true}, //Medical trait, 1=medic, 2= DR
        {"ace_isEngineer",2,true}, //Engineer trait, 1=Engineer, 2=Advance Engineer
        {"TFAR_freq_sr",{"500","71","72","73","74","75","76","70"},true}, // TFAR Short Range Frequencies 
        {"YMF_teamcolor", "YELLOW", true} // Team color
                                        // White use "MAIN"
                                        // Red	use "RED"
                                        // Green use "GREEN"
                                        // Blue use "BLUE"
                                        // Yellow use "YELLOW"

    icon = "a3\ui_f\data\map\vehicleicons\iconMan_ca.paa"; //this icon is shown on the menu when picking a role

    // but with {}'s not []'s, 
    // you can export from ace arsenal, then replace the []’s with {}’s
    defaultLoadout[] = { 
    arsenalWeapons[] = { //weapons that will be in the arsenal specific to this role

    arsenalMagazines[] = { //magazines that will be in the arsenal specific to this role

    arsenalItems[] = { //any item not covered by other categories that will be in the arsenal specific to this role
        "U_B_survival_uniform", "U_B_Wetsuit", "V_RebreatherB", "G_B_Diving"

    arsenalBackpacks[] = {}; //backpacks that will be in the arsenal specific to this role    