Mission Naming Standards (Proposed) - 61st/missions GitHub Wiki

FIle (what you save it as)

lxim_[mission type]_[options]_[name].map needs to be all lowercase

Mission types

Code Description
train Training Map
ftx FTX Map
fun FUN Map
side Side Map
dep Deployment / Operation map



Code Description
f Furniture
t training scripts
0-3 the complexity of the base


  • 0 = uses map assets and nothing else
  • 1 = simple base
  • 2 = Nicer base
  • 3 = children when hungry to pay for this base



lxim_ftx_ft0_mycoolftx.altis would mean, this is an ftx map with furniture, and no base was built
tfww_ftx_0_mycoolftx.altis would mean, this is an ftx map and no base was built
tfww_ftx_f3_mycoolftx.altis would mean, this is an ftx map with furniture, and mother off all bases was built honestly I have no idea how we could afford it

Mission name (this is what you see through #missions)

This is what you name the mission in 3den Operation Name # and then the [options]